Tomato Potato of Lizards (TPoL)

Does art imitate life? I don’t know, but monopoly does. Monopoly was created to teach the public about the consequences of the economy and taxation. It’s not supposed to be fun, yet every day, families sit around the table to play a four hour game of monopoly. There’s better games out there, yet we come back to this game that just makes us angry and spiteful. Why do we do this?

People love to compete, and people all have different strategies when trying to win. Some people buy everything they land on and don’t use any buildings. Some people only buy certain properties so they have enough money to buy high rises. Some people barely buy anything, focusing on avoiding properties of others. Some people just do what feels right in the moment. Some people play until they begin to lose, throw and tantrum and ruin the game for everyone else.

But when it comes to monopoly, it doesn’t really matter what you do or how you play. No matter your strategy, the roll of the dice makes it random. You can’t train at monopoly. You can probably get better, and if you look at analytically you’ll probably figure out which strategy works best, but monopoly isn’t chess. You could have the best strategy in the world and still, lose to someone playing on the basis that they’ll buy the blue properties because that’s their favourite colour. Monopoly isn’t a fair game, but neither is life. No matter what you do to try to avoid it, there’s always a chance of rolling the wrong number and getting sent straight to jail, without passing go.

I always get criticized for this being pessimistic in these things, but I don’t think what I’m saying now is pessimistic. There’s a difference between pessimism and realism. You can’t control everything in life, and that’s what I think I know now that I didn’t know last year. I mean, I always knew that, but I never accepted what I could and couldn’t control. And it made me afraid of everything.

At first glance it might sound like I’m saying that I’m no longer taking responsibility, but that’s not what I mean. I mean that there are some things you can control, and some things you can’t, and focusing on the things you can’t control is idiotic. I can’t control if iMovie crashes and I lose all my progress on a video. However, I figured out that I can control if I use iMovie or not, which is why I ditched my first southwest video and downloaded Final Cut Pro. I’ve realized there’s not one path to success, and there’s always other options.

I never played to my strengths because I refused to acknowledge them, and then I would get upset because everything was awful. For the first time, I am going to take responsibility. I know exactly why my work was the way it was. I always know why my work is the way it is, even if I pretend I don’t. I promise you, I’m actually pretty self-aware. It was just easier to pretend I wasn’t.

I’m never going be a 95% student in everything, because I’m never going to try that hard, in that way. I no longer expect myself to do that, because I know I’m just not going to do it. It’s not because I’m a bad student or a bad worker, I just can’t bring myself to care about stuff I don’t care about. I could go off, and blame the education system for how grades work and how it’s not fair and everything, but I’m also not going to do that. I am who I am. I am going to work hard next year, but I do not expect to be a perfect student. I am going to get good grades, get into university, and I’ve decided that that is going to be enough. I don’t need to be the best because I have other things going for me, and I realize that I’m still growing and changing and I don’t always have to be the best version of myself in high school.

Despite this, I don’t have bad grades. I’ve always been on honour roll with distinction. That’s not because I work really hard at everything, It’s because I choose to spend my extra time doing extra classes where I do get 95%, and those classes push me over the top, canceling out my weaknesses. And I know that if I really really tried, I probably could get at least 90% in all my classes, so maybe I’ll try that next year, but if life gets in the way it’s not going to be the end of the world. This year I had a complete mental breakdown and I managed to bounce back. Sure, some of my work took a hit but honestly I really don’t care because I’m happy again.

In grade 12, I’m going to stop setting ridiculous expectations for myself that I know I’m never going to meet. I think I can actually try harder and do better when I stop doing that, because I can start focusing on what I actually can do. I’m getting to the age where I’m almost ready to leave high school, and if I enter university still doing things I don’t like, or I’m not good at because I think I should be good at it, I’m going to be miserable.

Next year, I plan to focus on myself as I am, not who I think I should be. I spent a lot of years having people tell me I was smart, and then some-odd years having people ask me what happened. I know a lot of stuff, but it’s not stuff that most people deem important, so in a lot of peoples eyes I went from smart to vapid. That doesn’t make you want to learn, it makes you want to quit, constantly. Whatever “potentional” everyone wants to me to fulfill, I don’t care anymore. I’ve got my own goals, and at this point, that is going to be doing a good job at my prerequisites to leave high school.

When I do leave, I hope that I’ll know how to deal with it when I get sent to jail.

(That’s another monopoly metaphor, I’m not a criminal)

SLC 2k17

Okay, what do you want me to say this time?

I’ve done four of these, and I know that there are certain things I am expected to say. I’m supposed to talk about things I could improve, and things I’m doing well at. I’m supposed to tell you my goals and how I am going to go about achieving them. I can’t do that again because it wouldn’t be real, but I can’t defend myself because I know I can be better. I know that I technically could do better. That’s something that goes for everything.

The difference is that part of me can’t do any better. I don’t know how to describe it, but I can try really hard and still fail really badly and a lot of the time it seems like I’m the only person that happens to. Everybody I know seems to have so much talent and intelligence that they always just know what to do to succeed and I’m just not there. Which sucks.
If I’m being honest, I feel like I’m the only person I know who can try my hardest and still fail. Statistically, I know that’s obviously stupid and cannot be true, but to me, it seems like when anyone else tries really hard, they always do well. That doesn’t always happen for me. Sometimes it feels like the only solution to this is to

This song actually really represents my feelings a lot of the time, especially the line “it’s not really failure if you’re not even trying”, because although a lot of the stuff I do is like, fine, that’s all it ever seems to be. It’s especially discouraging when I try really hard on something and it still doesn’t show. It’s discouraging when all I can say about my work is that I handed in it.

I don’t want it to sound like I’m defending myself, because I’m really not. I think that if I slept less and stayed home more that I might start making stuff that was better, but I’m worried that if I did that I would sacrifice my happiness because I need sleep. I think I tend to get sick when I don’t get as much of it. Except I don’t know what to do at this point because all of a sudden my grades matter and I know that they’re not good enough, and all of a sudden I have to care about my grades. I’ve always said that grades won’t define my life but all of a sudden it feels like they will, which I think is stupid. I think they shouldn’t. And the fact that I have to stress myself out over these numbers and then pay people to learn the things I’m actually interested in makes me equally angry and terrified.

So I’m at a crossroad here. I would sell my soul if I was able to get good grades and still take regular naps, but I don’t think that’s possible anymore. Which sucks, but I think that I can do it. I worked at a place that caused me emotional stress for two years because I cared about being a good employee and I needed to prove to myself I could do it. If I could do that, I can do this.

I can do this. So I’ll set some goals. Whatever. There are some goals I have that I think will actually improve my work a lot without being weird and deep personal goals.

I want to get better at video editing. I’ve found that this is something that is holding me back by an insane amount. I can put my heart and soul into something and still not have it look as good as some people in this class spending half an hour on stuff. I also always manage to somehow screw up my video projects in multiple ways simply because I don’t have the technical skills. I know that it kind of looks like I’m not trying very hard on these things because they really do look half-assed, but it’s really just that I am lacking the skills needed to make them look good. It’s a huge knowledge gap for me that I’ve realized isn’t going to come naturally. Because I know that it will actually help, a lot, it’s something that I am willing to commit more time to.

I want to have better ideas, and be more creative. It seems to me like part of the reason that my work is never very great is that it’s not interesting or funny and it doesn’t always have personality. Of course, I find this hard to do because I don’t find all of the same stuff funny as a lot of my classmates. I have a lot of different opinions on what’s good and what’s not, but since everybody else’s seems to always work better, maybe I should stop trusting my instincts.

I hope that wasn’t too depressing. Soz.

SCL Summer Blog Post 2016

So it’s time for yet another SLC. I’ve been able to do three of these already without curling up into a ball and wasting away, so I guess number four will be okay.

I think my cracking point would be about seven.

This year, we’ve done a lot of work…blah blah blah…showcase my work…blah blah blah. I’m sure by now, everyone knows what they’re in for, no? Lets just get started with it then.

This time, I’m supposed to showcase something I’m proud of, something I’m not proud of, and then discuss goals.

Me being proud of something is something that you’ll rarely see broadcasted. Personally, I think it’s kind of egotistical to be super proud of my own work, although I don’t seem to have much of a problem when I see other people do it. There’s always room for improvement, and that’s why I never really finish anything.

Except these.

My blog posts are the some of the only things that I actually sat down and finished beginning to end. That’s what I’m proud of. With these, I can just brainstorm an idea, pick the best one, and spend a few hours doing it. Each blog post takes about 2 to 6 hours to make, depending on what my plan is. I just sit down, and I feel motivated to get it done, start to finish. I actually kind of like doing them, and that’s why I think they’re good. And I think I’ve figured out the reason I like them. It’s all my ideas, I can sit down and do something, whatever I want, completely uncensored.

And example of this is my Deep South blog post. I just kind of wrote about my feelings instead of trying to make a

I think I do my best work uncensored. When I don’t have a project plan to follow, I’m not worried about completing a bunch of stuff that I really don’t care about. Writing a blog post is less like a project and more like when I try to memorize the history of Walt Disney Studios, or spend a week learning about Barak Obama for no apparent reason. Or when Blog posts remind me of when I was in fourth grade, and I would write an essay on Walrus’ for fun.

Or maybe it’s because I don’t really get anything out of the blog posts than fun facts, and I really like fun facts. To quote Jack Arthur: “So you don’t care about scientific facts but you care about which Pixar movies have the best animation, and which have the best story?”

Yup. And by the way, best animation is The Good Dinosaur, while best story will send me into a half hour rant about originality, critical acclaim, impact on the audience, and significance in film history.

Time for what I think needs to stay in the shadows. The things I ain’t exactly proud of. I picked two things, because I am an overachiever at underachieving. But I probably could have bashed every single project I’ve ever made, because I’m not happy with virtually anything I do, so maybe I’m not underachieving. I might just be too picky.

So first, I’m going to start with my Blue Sky.

The thing about Blue Sky this year is I made elaborate plans, and then when they fell through, I forgot about it until it was too late to make a good project. I think a lot of my problem is the fact that I
1) somehow just thought this project would do itself
2) don’t know how to build stuff, so I couldn’t take the easy build something in one evening route.

I’m not going to show my Blue Sky to you because I can’t do that without cringing, and here’s why: it has nothing to do with me at all. Blue Sky projects are supposed to be personal, yet mine somehow never are. They’re the opposite of my blog posts, and always some of the most mediocre projects I do. I guess a way to fix this would be to pick something I truly care about, but this is hard when the the things I’m interested in fall so outside of anything that could relate to a project. I would be happy to just talk about Pixar for hours, but that’s not a project.

Instead I guess I just put minimal effort into a mediocre project. It’s really hard for me to put maximum effort into a project I don’t care about. So I guess my only option is to pick something I am actually interested in for more that five minutes. If that’s even possible.

The second project of mine I am going to bash is my Little Big Story of styrofoam. My problem with this project lies completely in one thing, I did all my research, planned it out, and created the beginning, and then realized I needed to start on my civil rights one and shoved this one to the back-burner. By the time I went back to this one, I didn’t have time to do everything I wanted to do with it. In reality, my shortcomings in this video come from bad time management. I actually think if I had have had enough time, this video would have been really good. I just didn’t beat the clock with this one.

Time to discuss goals. My goal from my last SLC were to do this one without using the words “meh”, “it didn’t suck”, and “it’s not as bad as I thought it was going to be”. I did my best to do that. It’s part of why I only actually showed you a little bit of work. To me, my work is never done, so “finished products” just make me want to defend how bad it is.

I’m also supposed to reflect on the year. It was a good year. I was overbooked in the winter, and honestly because the Panto is doing Peter Pan this year someone really has to talk me out of overbooking again. The overbooking hit my schoolwork hard, but I’m only doing two choirs next year, and one is in timetable, so I’m going to have a lot more free time on my hands. Yeah.
So I guess that opens it up to questions, then.

March 2016 SLC

SLCs are back…yay?

Just kidding, not yay. More like a noncommital grunt. I don’t hate SLCs, but they’re not my favourite thing.


First of all, I’m supposed to show you something I’m proud of. I actually have two things so I’m gonna show both of them so you have less time to ask me questions. First of all, I have my narrative essay thing. I thought I did a pretty good job on it. For the essay, I worked on and edited an outline until I had something I was happy with and then I wrote it, and wrote it again, until I was happy with it. I actually didn’t put this on my blog because it’s a more personal story that I wouldn’t want to put on the Internet, but I’ll read a little bit of it right now. I am also no longer aware of how the first sentence makes sense AT ALL.

I’m not going to read any further than that, mostly because I hate the fake names I gave my friends and saying them out loud would be weird. Although this is something I’m proud of, that doesn’t mean I can’t be critical of it. As I read it a few months later, there are so many things I want to change. The thing is, I can’t, because it’s finished. My biggest worry about that essay is that I made it too conversational, and because I was just writing down an experience I had, it didn’t feel like work and was super easy. But I guess that might be why it was good. I’m not really sure.

The second thing I want to show you isn’t actually finished yet, which is why it too, is not on my blog. It’s my podcast! I actually thought my podcast was going to suck from the get-go, but it’s actually turning out pretty well. When I started working on this thing, it actually was going pretty mediocre. My story wasn’t strong and I felt like everything was all over the place. And I really didn’t want to start over, but I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to get a strong story out of what I had. So, I started again. I grabbed a notebook and started writing an into. I felt like I needed a story to connect the whole podcast instead of just aimlessly talking. So I thought about what everything I was talking about in my podcast related to, and came up with a main idea, challeneges. Then I came up with a metaphor that I thought was really cheesy and lame, and I was like super close to taking it out, but since my teachers say it’s good, I guess it can stay.


There’s still a few linear and editing things I want to fix, but it’s pretty close to being finished.


So now I’m supposed to show you something that demonstrates my learning. This is hard for me because I have no idea what I’m supposed to put here. So instead of actually picking soemthing, I’m just going to talk about my growth and use my example of wow, look, I actually handed it in. So I’ll use the example of that explain everything I had to do, because it’s already on my blog. Even though it was a partner project, I ended up having to do the whole thing by myself, and honestly I just think it shows my growth that I did it. I think if I had of ended up in this situation before, I would have just done my part and then blamed my partner for the fact that it wasn’t done. Instead, I just buckled down and did it. Even though we weren’t supposed to do this project for homework, I did a little bit, because I had no choice, and I just got it done. It’s obivously not the best work I’ve ever done, but the point is I did my best to just finish. And I did. And I handed it in. And sometimes, that’s literally the best I can do.

I mean, it’s not like it sucks that bad. I’ll show a little bit of it.


GROWTH MINDSET TIME. First of all, I actually don’t hate the concept of growth mindset that much, because it’s kind of what I’ve been doing to fix my anxiety. Except in the real world, people just call it realistic thinking. If you think realistically, then you probably have a growth mindset, because if you think realistically, you realize that things are things and you can improve at them if you try.

So for this part, I’m going to use DI. although DI was mostly hard to take seriously because of the name, it’s actually not that bad. It would be super easy for me to say that I came over a fear one direction performing or something, but I don’t have a fear of performing. I have no issues putting myself in the spotlight. I might lie and say I did, but I would probably be called out on it. I have to come up with a way that DI actually helped me grow.

So since  I’m obivously not a timid performer. So I guess the thing I had to get over was the fact that I couldn’t take this thing seriously. I had to admit that it wasn’t like THAT stupid, and try a little bit. I mean I definitely tried at it. My group met up almost every weekend, and we worked really hard on story and script, then we worked really hard on practicing.

So my growth mindset here is probably the fact that I was willing to try. That shows way more willingness and growth than anything else in this project. And although I’m like the only person in the class not moving forward with provincials, I actually have a valid excuse. So it’s not like I’m just giving up out of complete bitterness.

I’ll show a tiny bit of the DI stuff, even though it kind of makes me cringe to watch me act on video.



Summer, I Mean, Spring, SLC

I don’t really remember when I did my last SLC, I just remember I was like two weeks late because of complications. I know it’s been a long time though. Before I start posting all my stuff, I would like to thank my teachers for not making us post like 5 posts again, because I won’t think I could have handled that. And I probably would just have like.. not done it.

*Mario voice* Here we go!

It took me a few minutes to decide which Mario voice clip to use. So many options.


I mean, yeah, I’ve improved over the last few months. Last time, I remember refusing to show any iMovies cause I was worried they were all crap. I mean, they kind of were. I’ll show the first forty seconds of my zoo movie to prove this (this is one of the movies I edited).

Greeeeat. Bad pictures with voice over at it’s finest. Now, I can’t say that my most recent video shows that I’ve become a movie editing expert, but I can assure you I’ve gotten better. Especially considering that the zoo movie took three people about a week, and I made this next one in bed in less than two hours.

I think this shows that maybe I suck at this less than I used to. That shows learning and improvement, right?

I think these videos show that I really have improved my skills in delivery of information. I’ve somehow learned that it is much better to be conversational in any kind of presenting work than trying to sound all stiff and proper. I know there is a place for professional speaking and such, but it’s so much easier for me to just roll with it. I mean, did you hear that script in the first video? Not that it was me speaking, but I wrote it. It had no emotion whatsoever. Ick.

This has also showed in my blog posts. If you go back to the very beginning, I didn’t show much trace of personality in them until after my first SLC. Like literally right after my SLC. It’s like after winter break I just kind of gave up and became less of a robot. Which is a good thing. If anyone is wondering, I am referencing our first Romeo and Juliet blog post, where all I do is trash how stupid Romeo and Juliet are. I stand behind this argument.


Ok, everyone knows highlighting my best work isn’t some my best work. Ha. I have to say, for awhile my blog posts were pretty decent, but I feel like they took a blunder after the napoleon stop motion Joel and I made. I blame my dad for making us watch a stupid movie he ordered while we worked. It really took away from the educational process.

In all honesty I haven’t even seen the stop motion video, I’m just going to assume it’s awful.

Although, my first blog post for the revolutions was actually pretty cool. This was the one where I sang Viva la Vida but changed the lyrics to match my topic. I will play the song, but I will warn everyone that I am pretty out of tune.

I know I’ve made some okay stuff, but honestly I don’t know what to show. It’s hard for me to say what is my best work and all, so I have no idea whatsoever. I’m just going to keep on working at it until I create something I’m really proud of for more than like a day. It’ll probably take awhile. Stay tuned for next year.

But at least I know what my worst work is. TRAINS!

That was probably everybody’s worst work, tbh.


So, in January, I set some goals for myself. Lets see how those are doing.

Goal 1: My goal for humanities this term is to be able to write efficiently and eloquently without losing tone or meaning. I think being able to write with a larger vocabulary, and faster without second guessing myself, would benefit my work greatly.

Honestly my vocabulary has probably decreased because I have NO idea what eloquently means, but I do think my writing has improved. It shows in scripts for videos and my blog posts. It didn’t improve in the way I thought it would, but I can write without second guessing myself pretty easily. I’ve found putting a lot of honesty in my writing can make it seem more raw and less like a textbook. Honestly, I probably should still increase my vocabulary, but my school blog isn’t Websters Dictionary, so whatevs.

Goal 2: My goal for science this term is to do my work throughly and try to obtain a deeper understanding of my science subjects.

What I accomplished was more like thinking I understood stuff then finding out at the test that I wasn’t too great. I thought I was really good at chemistry until I got 51% on the test. I didn’t take a retest, because I didn’t realize I could at the time, which I regret, but hopefully I’ll figure out chemistry in grade ten, right?

I actually did understand the whole electricity unit. Not putting the wires together and stuff, but I was killer at the formulas. It was probably largely due to the fact that I missed a couple classes, so I actually went over the stuff at home. Funny how that helps. I should have figured that out earlier, but I didn’t.

Goal 3: My goal for personal learning this term is procrastinate less and get more work done (or more drafts) so my final product will have more revisions and ultimately be better.

Hey, I was doing pretty well until concert season. I actually think I improved at this and got my work done better and faster until I had more choir rehearsals and got a job at pretty much the exact same time. I lost week time and weekend time, and I was freaking exhausted. My new goal is figuring out my new time management now that I don’t have whole weekends to get stuff done. I did it all the time when I played ringette, so I must have had it figured out at some point.


It’s been a good year mostly, everyone should be glad I didn’t play ringette because yeah my work would have gone downhill with that time loss. I think what I need to focus on for next year is sucking it up when I’m tired and getting stuff done, and probably blocking the entire website that is YouTube, YouTube is my weakness.

At least it’s not Netflix, binge watching is probably worse.

Kirby Out.

September – January Reflections

It has been five months since we first started classes back in September. In FLIGHT classes, we have covered a variety of projects, assignments and topics over this first half of the school year. My work has varied throughout the year (mostly due to how busy I was at any given time), and I have worked hard to complete all of my work as best as I can by the deadline. I have lately been trying to stray away from my current habits of procrastination, which have been an issue through grade 8 until now. One of my goals for 2015 is to stop procrastinating in hope to improve my work habits and work overall. I want to produce top-quality work for the rest of my grade nine year and beyond.

I have spent some time reviewing my work from September until now, and I think that most of my best work has been (for lack of a better term) ‘word based’. Voice overs, writing, stories, essays, and other versions of written work. These areas seem to be my strengths in my FLIGHT course. Though, I do have problems when it comes to other work. When I am not interested, or have no ideas for an assignment or project, it is hard for me to get going on it. The more I procrastinate starting my projects, the less time I have to finish them. This can negatively effect the outcome of my work, and cause me to rush to get the job done.

I have spent most of this year playing to my strengths, which fall mostly in the humanities category. When something doesn’t play to my strengths, or I get bored of it, my weaknesses come into play. My biggest weaknesses being procrastination and not doing my work to my full potential. I plan to tackle these problems and put my best foot forward for the rest of my grade 9 year.

Student Led Conference Introduction

For the past couple of weeks, I have been preparing for my student-led conference (SLC). I have been collecting my work from the first half of the year, and putting it together on this blog to build a “portfolio”. All of this is being put together so I can lead a meeting with my parents and a teacher. I am going to be showing the work I have done so far, what I am proud of, what I am not so proud of, and what I want to improve on for the coming term.

I am excited for people to see my work, and get opinions on what I have completed so far this year. I have -sepperated- different aspects of my SLC into four different posts.

Humanities Reflection

Science Reflection

Overall Reflection


I hop you enjoy my work from September – December.


For this term’s SLC, I am to come up with three goals, a goal specific to humanities, a goal specific to science, and a goal towards to my personal learning growth. These goals are to be measurable and attainable.

1. My goal for humanities this term is to be able to write efficiently and eloquently without losing tone or meaning. I think being able to write with a larger vocabulary, and faster without second guessing myself, would benefit my work greatly.

2. My goal for science this term is to do my work throughly and try to obtain a deeper understanding of my science subjects.

3. My goal for personal learning this term is procrastinate less and get more work done (or more drafts) so my final product will have more revisions and ultimately be better.

Humanities Reflection

This year in humanities I have been working on multiple projects and assignments that I could showcase here. I have chosen to show my writing in essays, journals, and — to show my work from this past term. Our class has written two essays since December, one on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and one on John Krakauer’s novel Into Thin Air. Below are my essays from both of these assignments.

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 I personally think my writing is better in my Into Thin Air essay. It is probably because I spent more time and effort on that essay. These essay assignments have given me the tools to build up essays in the future. I have learned how to properly use quotes, and how to write about a topic objectively. I hope to learn how to write these kinds of essays better in the future, and want to work on that in this coming term. I especially want to work on making my sentences elegant, yet still have a themed and constant flow to it.

Procrastination comes into play everywhere I go, and this is no exception. I am hopeful to abolish this habit as we come in to 2015. I want to take my best foot forward this term, and do all my work before the due date. In humanities for the rest of the year, I plan to have all of my work done quality and ahead of time. My work is done best when a first draft is finished early, so I can go back and make edits and corrections. I want for my work to have a shown increase in quality (and maybe even quantity) in 2015.


Science Reflection

In my science class this year, we have done many labs, projects, and worksheets. We have already studied an array of topics from Chemistry to DNA to Reproduction. I feel the quality of my work has fluctuated throughout the school year, depending on the time of year and the subject. I think my work has recently gotten better than it was at the beginning of the year. I would like to show you a project below I did for science earlier in the year.

I realize, looking back on this video, that it is not as good as I once thought it was. This video, which is on the genetic mutation Maple Syrup Urine Disease, has awkward wording, mumbling, and more. This doesn’t stop the fact that I am still proud of this video. The way I did this project shows my way of thinking. I evolved this project many times, from a skimpy script all the way to an explain everything to a video. I so feel that I have learned how to evolve my work well and forward, and the process of this assignment helped me with that. My one regret is putting the video together so quickly. I should have paced it so I could make improvements on the video, and not just the information.

Another instance of me not spacing out my work is my Cancer Project. I didn’t allow enough time for me to review and edit my final product, resulting in an end product that wasn’t to the best of my abilities. The writing in the project was lacking, and there were no pictures or voice over affects. Below is the Keynote I handed in for my final draft.

In the future I hope not to have something like that happen again. To make sure of that, I am working my hardest to make sure my work is done slowly and in advance. I realize that to do this, I need to take my time on my work.