September – January Reflections

It has been five months since we first started classes back in September. In FLIGHT classes, we have covered a variety of projects, assignments and topics over this first half of the school year. My work has varied throughout the year (mostly due to how busy I was at any given time), and I have worked hard to complete all of my work as best as I can by the deadline. I have lately been trying to stray away from my current habits of procrastination, which have been an issue through grade 8 until now. One of my goals for 2015 is to stop procrastinating in hope to improve my work habits and work overall. I want to produce top-quality work for the rest of my grade nine year and beyond.

I have spent some time reviewing my work from September until now, and I think that most of my best work has been (for lack of a better term) ‘word based’. Voice overs, writing, stories, essays, and other versions of written work. These areas seem to be my strengths in my FLIGHT course. Though, I do have problems when it comes to other work. When I am not interested, or have no ideas for an assignment or project, it is hard for me to get going on it. The more I procrastinate starting my projects, the less time I have to finish them. This can negatively effect the outcome of my work, and cause me to rush to get the job done.

I have spent most of this year playing to my strengths, which fall mostly in the humanities category. When something doesn’t play to my strengths, or I get bored of it, my weaknesses come into play. My biggest weaknesses being procrastination and not doing my work to my full potential. I plan to tackle these problems and put my best foot forward for the rest of my grade 9 year.

Student Led Conference Introduction

For the past couple of weeks, I have been preparing for my student-led conference (SLC). I have been collecting my work from the first half of the year, and putting it together on this blog to build a “portfolio”. All of this is being put together so I can lead a meeting with my parents and a teacher. I am going to be showing the work I have done so far, what I am proud of, what I am not so proud of, and what I want to improve on for the coming term.

I am excited for people to see my work, and get opinions on what I have completed so far this year. I have -sepperated- different aspects of my SLC into four different posts.

Humanities Reflection

Science Reflection

Overall Reflection


I hop you enjoy my work from September – December.


For this term’s SLC, I am to come up with three goals, a goal specific to humanities, a goal specific to science, and a goal towards to my personal learning growth. These goals are to be measurable and attainable.

1. My goal for humanities this term is to be able to write efficiently and eloquently without losing tone or meaning. I think being able to write with a larger vocabulary, and faster without second guessing myself, would benefit my work greatly.

2. My goal for science this term is to do my work throughly and try to obtain a deeper understanding of my science subjects.

3. My goal for personal learning this term is procrastinate less and get more work done (or more drafts) so my final product will have more revisions and ultimately be better.

Humanities Reflection

This year in humanities I have been working on multiple projects and assignments that I could showcase here. I have chosen to show my writing in essays, journals, and — to show my work from this past term. Our class has written two essays since December, one on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and one on John Krakauer’s novel Into Thin Air. Below are my essays from both of these assignments.

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 I personally think my writing is better in my Into Thin Air essay. It is probably because I spent more time and effort on that essay. These essay assignments have given me the tools to build up essays in the future. I have learned how to properly use quotes, and how to write about a topic objectively. I hope to learn how to write these kinds of essays better in the future, and want to work on that in this coming term. I especially want to work on making my sentences elegant, yet still have a themed and constant flow to it.

Procrastination comes into play everywhere I go, and this is no exception. I am hopeful to abolish this habit as we come in to 2015. I want to take my best foot forward this term, and do all my work before the due date. In humanities for the rest of the year, I plan to have all of my work done quality and ahead of time. My work is done best when a first draft is finished early, so I can go back and make edits and corrections. I want for my work to have a shown increase in quality (and maybe even quantity) in 2015.


Science Reflection

In my science class this year, we have done many labs, projects, and worksheets. We have already studied an array of topics from Chemistry to DNA to Reproduction. I feel the quality of my work has fluctuated throughout the school year, depending on the time of year and the subject. I think my work has recently gotten better than it was at the beginning of the year. I would like to show you a project below I did for science earlier in the year.

I realize, looking back on this video, that it is not as good as I once thought it was. This video, which is on the genetic mutation Maple Syrup Urine Disease, has awkward wording, mumbling, and more. This doesn’t stop the fact that I am still proud of this video. The way I did this project shows my way of thinking. I evolved this project many times, from a skimpy script all the way to an explain everything to a video. I so feel that I have learned how to evolve my work well and forward, and the process of this assignment helped me with that. My one regret is putting the video together so quickly. I should have paced it so I could make improvements on the video, and not just the information.

Another instance of me not spacing out my work is my Cancer Project. I didn’t allow enough time for me to review and edit my final product, resulting in an end product that wasn’t to the best of my abilities. The writing in the project was lacking, and there were no pictures or voice over affects. Below is the Keynote I handed in for my final draft.

In the future I hope not to have something like that happen again. To make sure of that, I am working my hardest to make sure my work is done slowly and in advance. I realize that to do this, I need to take my time on my work.