Romeo and Juliet Blogpost

Why create a parody based on a 400 yr old Tragedy?
By Kiyaan M 02/19/2020

Driving Question: How can we, as Shakespearean actors, use parody to communicate the timeless nature of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”?


In this Unit, we studied the Shakespearian Era, my classmates and I were assigned to create our own parodies based off the Tragedy, “Romeo and Juliet”. This project required students to create parodies and act three separate characters. Overall I had an exclusive experience while working on this parody and here’s why!

Why create a parody based on a 400 yr old Tragedy?

You might be wondering why my classmates and I were required to create a parody based on the tragedy Romeo and Juliet? The purpose of creating a parody based on Romeo and Juliet was to show the creativity in theatre between each student. I believe that the purpose of creating a parody was to help teachers see the students’ understanding of this unit in relation to the modern era. 



During the next few Weeks

My classmates and I were required to create these so-called TWIL Posts. The idea of each post was to reflect on the topics discussed in class and expand on them based on each student’s interests.

After the creation of the TWIL Posts, my classmates and I were then required to create scripts for our parodies. The script had to include staging directions, costume description and the text each student would speak as the character. The script also required a brief introduction that explains the original text from the Tragedy.

The purpose of creating the backdrop and soundscape was to show people the original idea of the tragedy, just revised, and recreated in a modern era style.

After creating my backdrop and soundscape I moved onto gathering the props. As well I began practicing for the parody drama presentation. 


Once I entered the stage I felt a little nervous, but I chatted with my teachers and parents, and they said that I could use a script. Overall I believe the drama presentation went very well. For example, I got that feeling of nervousness that anyone would get when they are chosen at random to present. I also had that feeling where after you complete a presentation, you get a sigh of relief, and that you would never have to redo it.


If you would to check out my recorded Parody Video, please click on the link below