The Peoples Podcast BlogPost

By: Kiyaan M 03/10/2020

Driving question

How did the lives and conditions change and stay the same for minorities in Canada before and after WWII


This week my classmates and I studied the topic of minorities in Canada during WWII. Our task was to create podcasts based on our own chosen topic in groups of 2. This project required students to create a podcast of their understanding of minorities in Canada, as well they were required to interview 1-2 people about there experiences.

We were given 3 weeks to research, record, interview and complete this podcast and the time limit for the podcast was about 7-10 minutes. Unfortunately in my group I ended up completing all the research, interviewing, recording, etc., basically the entire project because my partner was out of town.

Topics, and tasks

My podcasts topic is about Muslims in Canada and how there minority changed and stated the same before and after WWII. Before researching our topics, my class and I were first recommended to listen to podcasts, just to get a brief idea of what our projects should look like. For milestone 2 in our groups, my classmates and I were required to research our topics and include sourced citations. 

As milestone 3 soon came around, we were final required to start creating our scripts and we were required to search for interviewees. Some interviewees for my podcast included my dad Raheem Merali, Salim Merali, and Nigar Merali, (my grandparents). I thought that it would be interesting to bring my grandparents into this because my grandparents on both sides are part of the Shia community, as well the are also immigrants from Uganda, and Kenya. 

Steps towards the Final Product

Finally towards the near end of this project, my final task was to sit down with the interviewer and ask him/her a little bit about themselves, what religious discrimination they have experienced, what discrimination did the experience while in school, the misunderstanding of the Muslim community and its people, the attributes in the Muslim community, and how can others become Muslims themselves, etc.

Overall the recording session I had with my dad, took about 1-2hrs total. If you’re wondering why this podcast jumps strait into the info without giving a brief overview of what my class and I are learning about I apologize, the main theme of this Project is based on minorities in Canada before and after WWII. 

If you were also wondering why the speaking is kinda delayed, it is because my dad and I had to record and re-record each questions separately, because he refused to create a script for himself regarding the questions I had sent him earlier. 


Overall I believe this was a good project, although I basically did everything in my group, but still I believed that this was a successful project. I hope that you viewers learned something as well, oh by the way I am also an Ismaili muslim, part of the Shia community, that why the interviewer for this podcast is in fact my father.

If you would like to check out this podcast, please click on the second link below, if you would like to hear more podcasts or music please follow my soundCloud account at