What fraction of our time is screen time?
What fraction of our time is screen time?
To simplify it, 1/4 of my time is on a screen I was not aware of that. I never really thought
About how much time a day I spend on a screen. This project was a great way to show how much we are on our screens but not shame us about it.
This project was pretty straightforward but was challenging at times. For example when we had to code in the screen time chart it was hard to get started on it because I didn’t completely understand what to do which was a little frustrating but in the end I did end up getting the totals into the chart. One thing that really helped me understand this project better was when we had to send in a copy of our draft before it was all completed. I liked that because then I could see how I was doing and I was given some tips and feedback which helped me with this project a lot.
For this project it went a little all over the place with my weather emoji grades which isn’t bad. For my first few entries of my draft I got a pretty good grade but it could’ve been better for sure. For the tests I think I needed a little bit of a refresh since I hadn’t done fractions in awhile so some parts were hard to remember how to do. The final presentation went pretty well for me. I thought I had enough information and pie charts as well as other charts in my document. I definitely didn’t have the most out standing project but I thought mine was well deserved of a good grade.
I was graded on three different categories such as using my time in class efficiently, a well calculated spreadsheet and well displayed pie charts.
Using my class time efficiently
In my opinion I thought my class time was used efficiently. I didn’t get distracted too many times and I got my work done in class. I got most of my project done in class so I feel like I used my time efficiently.
Having a well calculated spreadsheet
My spreadsheet was properly calculated. It was laid out with a decent amount of information on my pie charts and the other charts as well. I improved it a lot because I added more totals at the end of the project so I could use them in my spreadsheet.
Having well displayed pie charts
I feel like I exceeded the expectations with my pie chart categories which were very informative and helpful to people who want a different comparison of my chart. I definitely added a lot more charts after seeing some of my classmates charts I thought it would be best to ad more charts.
In conclusion I thought this project was a great project to start off my Scimatics class and it definitely helped me open my eyes to how much I’m on my screen.