Ultimate design challenge

The ultimate design challenge project was a project about 3D shapes and models. The task of the project was to create a 3D model of anything you want on a site called TinkerCad, TinkerCad is a program where you use 3D shapes to design a model. For my project I designed a Glider plane because I thought making it would look really cool. You can view the model I created here: 

TinkerCad is a program I had never used before so at first it was really hard to get started on building my model but as the project went on I started to get more comfortable with the program. After I finished designing my model I started on doing the calculations for my model. For the calculations you had to measure the length the width and the height of each shape you used to create your model. After you measured every shape you had to put them in their respective formulas and total up each shapes surface area and volume. Here are my calculations: 




For this project we were graded on 3 core competencies such as:

Applying and innovating: contribute to care for self, others, community and world through personal or collaborative approaches: I feel like I exceeded on this competency by working on my project every chance I got.

Reasoning and analyzing: Model mathematics in contextualized experiences: I feel like I exceeded on this competency by finishing my model and incorporating the 10 shapes in my model as well as optimizing my design for maximum surface area.

Communicating and representing: Explain and justify mathematic ideas and decisions: I feel like I did well on this competency but could’ve exceeded more by calculating the nose of my model plane as a cone instead of a cylinder.

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