by vicmiles
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City of North Vancouver approves rezoning the former Ridgeway Annex site for residential development

NORTH VANCOUVER, October 27, 2015—On Monday, October 26, 2015, North Vancouver City Council approved an amendment to the City’s official community plan to rezone the property at 450 East 5th Street. The proposal by Anthem Properties for the construction of nine single-family homes will now proceed on the .58 acre site formerly occupied by Ridgeway Annex. The Annex was permanently closed in 2011 and was not considered viable as a future school site, as the small size of the land parcel does not meet current Ministry standards. Read more here.


by psampson
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Argyle Capital Project Update

Parents/guardians of students in the Argyle Family of Schools were invited to an Argyle Parent Advisory Council-sponsored event on October 21, 2015 at École Boundary Elementary School to learn more about the Argyle Capital Project.  John Lewis, Superintendent of Schools, provided an overview of the history of the Argyle Capital Project; funding the “gap”; building and site enhancements; timelines; and the next steps. He outlined the actions that the Board of Education is taking to support and implement the Argyle Full Replacement Capital Project.

The slides from Superintendent Lewis’ Argyle Capital Project Update are available here.


Argyle Capital Project Update Presentation – October 21, 2015


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by psampson
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Argyle Full Replacement Project Request

Status Update

Argyle Current Site Plan

Argyle Secondary School – Current Site Plan

The North Vancouver School District continues to make progress with its request for the full replacement of Argyle Secondary School.  Since the update provided at the Argyle Parent Advisory Council Meeting on March 2, 2015, the key developments are provided below:

  • Constructive meetings and communications have continued with Ministry of Education staff through the spring and summer, including a site visit by Ministry staff in June 2015
  • The Project Definition Report (PDR) for the replacement project was finalized after a number of updates to meet Ministry requirements and for presentation to the Ministry of Finance
  • As a result of price escalation and clarification of project scope, the cost difference between the seismic upgrade ($37.8M) and the base full replacement ($45.7) is $7.9M.  The preferred alternative options that incorporate additional space for the multi-purpose / performing arts areas (+1000 sq. m.) and additional classroom capacity and recreation support space (+766 sq. m.) have increased in cost to approximately $10.7M and $13.7M respectively.  The total cost of the preferred Argyle option is $51.5M ($37.8M Ministry + $13.7M NVSD)
  • The North Vancouver School District has now sold the Keith Lynn site ($5M) and Monteray site($6.38M), with proceeds targeted towards the Argyle replacement project.  A conditional sale of a surplus parcel of land at the Braemar site ($2.4M) is proceeding through the municipal process.  Together, the proceeds from these three properties will achieve the financing needed for the preferred replacement option at Argyle
  • A conditional sale of the Ridgeway Annex site ($5.1M) is at fourth and final reading with the Council of the City of North Vancouver.  This will allow the sale to be completed in November, with proceeds applied to the remaining debt associated with the replacements of Sutherland Secondary and Westview Elementary Schools
  • Expressions of Interest were issued in May for architectural and consultant services, followed by a Request for Proposals.  Killick, Metz, Bowen and Rose Architects and Planners (KMBR) were selected as the lead consultants for the Argyle project. KMBR have extensive experience in the design and construction of schools in BC, with North Vancouver School District experience including the Sutherland Secondary School replacement project
  • During the summer 2015, advance project work was completed including: geotechnical investigation, site survey, arborist assessment, hazardous materials assessment, and non-structural seismic assessment of the existing building
  • Meetings were held with the District of North Vancouver (DNV) Planning Department to identify project requirements for both the seismic and full replacement options.  DNV staff provided detailed information related to building department reviews, code compliance, local improvements, and expectations related to the ‘daylighting’ of Kilmer Creek for flood mitigation purposes
  • The project request is considered by the Province of BC’s Treasury Board as a Major Capital Project for review by Treasury, Finance, and the Capital Branch to determine the outcome of the Board’s request to advance to a Project Agreement before the end of the calendar year.

The Board of Education looks forward to an invitation to enter into a Project Agreement before the end of the 2015 calendar year.

As information becomes available on this long-awaited project, updates will be posted.

Learn more here


by psampson
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Braemar Surplus Land Parcel

Sale of Surplus Land Parcel at Braemar Site

In the fall of 2006, the North Vancouver School District hosted a series of public open houses to introduce the possibility of selling parcels of surplus land on school sites to assist in funding capital projects to renew its aging facilities.

The Braemar surplus land parcel extending from the 3500 block of Calder Avenue is acknowledged as unused, untended land that could be made available for sale. The neighbourhood was notified, community feedback was solicited, and the Braemar PAC was also consulted. While some respondents supported the concept, others raised concerns about possible changes to the neighborhood that would result from the future development of the site.

Braemar Surplus Land Parcel

Braemar Surplus Land Parcel

The NVSD incorporated several considerations from the community feedback into its 2007 Preliminary Planning Application (PPA) to the District of North Vancouver (DNV). The PPA received general support from the DNV with permission to proceed subject to the District’s next phase of requirements. In May of 2007, the North Vancouver Board of Education (the Board) authorized the marketing of the property through a public process. Numerous submissions were received and from these, the NVSD selected a developer, Wedgewood Ventures, as the most qualified bidder. Among those qualifications is Wedgewood’s commitment to working with the community through the development process.

Over the past eight years, Wedgewood Ventures has worked with the DNV to prepare an amenable development proposal that will achieve the necessary rezoning. The first proposal for six or seven 4,000 square foot homes was put on hold in 2008 by Wedgewood.  A subsequent proposal in 2014 provided a significantly reduced environmental footprint over the original plan with a proposed plan of seven homes, ranging in size from 2,200—2,800 square feet, a density reduction of close to 50 percent.  The proposal of 2014 did not receive support of DNV Council based on concerns identified by Council and raised in the public consultation process.

Responding to concerns related to the siting location of the homes, traffic, parking, and the environment, the current 2015 proposal further reduces the building area, providing for four single-family homes, while preserving a portion of the site for green space.  An environmental assessment and arborist report have been completed.  Details of the proposed development are available at: http://www.wedgewoodventures.com/drawing-board and on this summary.

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by vicmiles
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City of North Vancouver confirms September 28, 2015 for Ridgeway Annex public hearing

On Monday, July 13, 2015, North Vancouver City Council voted to proceed with a public hearing to review a potential amendment to the City’s official community plan. If approved, the amendment would effectively rezone the property at 450 East 5th Street, the site of the former Ridgeway Annex, to permit residential development on the .58 acre site. Ridgeway Annex was permanently closed in 2011 and is not considered viable as a future school site, as the small size of the land parcel does not meet current Ministry standards. Learn more here.

by vicmiles
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North Vancouver School District announces new provider of childcare/preschool services at Queensbury Elementary

June 17, 2015—The North Vancouver School District is pleased to announce that Rainforest Learning Centre is confirmed to lease the childcare and preschool space at Queensbury Elementary.

Learn more here.

by vicmiles
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Monteray site sold: proceeds to be directed to the Argyle Secondary replacement project

June 11, 2015

The North Vancouver School District is pleased to announce the sale of its property at 4343 Starlight Way, the site of the former Monteray Elementary school, to Morningstar Homes. The $6.38M sale was completed following approval by the District of North Vancouver, which included a public hearing process and extensive prior community consultation by the School District. Proceeds from the sale of the Monteray site will be directed towards funding the proposed full replacement of Argyle Secondary.

The new residential development planned for Starlight Way will feature 12 single-family lots and two park areas. Preparations for demolition of the current building are now underway. For future updates and project information please visit the website of Morningstar Homes http://www.mstarhomes.com.

“The sale of Monteray represents a significant advancement in our ability to fund the proposed full replacement of Argyle Secondary,” says Cyndi Gerlach, chair of the North Vancouver Board of Education. “We thank Morningstar Homes for their professionalism and public consultation process and we appreciate the work of District Council and staff in supporting our vision for a new, efficient and sustainably designed school for the Argyle community.”

Monteray school was permanently closed in 2004 following an extended period of lowering enrolment due to changes in neighborhood demographics—primarily a decline in the number of school-age children in the area. As well, the 1.17-hectare site is too small to meet current Ministry of Education standards for a school, making rezoning for residential development the highest and best possible use for the site going forward.


by vicmiles
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Trustees meet with City of North Vancouver Mayor and Council members

November 12, 2014

On October 28, 2014, Trustees of the Board of Education met with the Mayor and Council members of the City of North Vancouver, along with senior staff from each organization. The meeting was held in response to the two City Council motions of April 28, 2014 requesting a meeting with the Board to discuss the School District’s land planning process and options for the Lucas and Cloverley sites. Learn more here.


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