
What is Google’s year in review and why should you care

Google’s year in review is all of the google trends. Google has made a video about all of trends and all the things that people have searched up on Google. You should care because this video sums up most
of 2016.

One thing I didn’t know about was that there was the spaceX rocket ship. In the video, there was a rocket ship that landed on a platform in the ocean. I didn’t know about it until the video. The rocket that was landed was called the Falcon 9.

There were lots of things in the video that I had no idea was a big part of 2016 was when a man was wearing a shirt that said ‘free hugs‘ in front of a police line. I didn’t know when this happened until I researched what it was all about. This man named Ken Nwadike stood on front of a line of police officers in North Carolina. He gave one of them a hug, and told them what a great job the were doing.

One thing that surprised me in the video was the Sorry video. Sorry is a song by Justin Bieber, and I didn’t realize how popular the video was, until I searched it up. The video has over 2 billion views, which is crazy. The video is a group of dancers just dancing to the song, and they have become quite popular.

If I were to make my own 2016 review, the one thing I would put in it would be my grandmother visiting. My grandma was her from the middle of October to the beginning of January of 2017. She was here for almost 3 months, which is a 1/4 of the year. Another thing that I would add into my video is the Vancouver snow. Because my grandma is from South Africa, she doesn’t get snow, so she loved how snowy and cold it was, unlike us. I think that this is the longest I have ever seen it snow in Vancouver, and there is still more coming.

I hope you watch the video, because it is amazing.


laurenf • January 6, 2017

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