
Mindset is the key to success

For the past couple of weeks, we have been learning about having a growth mindset. We have learned the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.

One of the activities that we did was a mindset chart. We had to list 3 things the we had a fixed mindset in and 3 things that we had a growth mindset in.

After that, we wrote a paragraph about the chart we created. We had to write why we put down the things we put down. We also had to add a quote at the end, and write a little bit about the person who said it. I chose a quote from

The main thing we did in this project is our goal selfie.

For this project, we had to choose something that we have a fixed mindset in. Then we had to create a goal for it. My goal was to reed more challenging novels to expand my vocabulary. To do this project, I first had to get my quote approved by the teacher. After I got my quote approved, I had to find a picture of me that had my face in it. Then I got to play around with the fonts of the writing, and where I was going to put it. I did this in the app Phonto. When I was done, we printed it off and put it on the wall.

During the process of making my goal selfie, I learned many things about what I have a growth mindset in and what I have a fixed mindset in.

If I had to do anything different, I would try to make the text more clear and bigger. I would also put my writing in a different place on the picture if I could.


laurenf • January 20, 2017

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