
Mark Antony

For about a week, my class has been learning about Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’. We started a project, where we were split into groups. In my group, there was Jessie, Marshall, and Austin. We had to research about characters in they pltay, and my group chose Mark Antony.

To present the information we found, we needed to cut out a shape of a body onto a piece of paper. I was the one who was traced. After we had our body cut out, we placed symbols all over his body. We were not allowed to use words or number, we had to use pictures and symbols. Also, we needed to have a reason of why we decided to place a certain symbol in a certain place. We place things over his heart, on his legs, on his spine, and on his head.

What I would do differently next time is practice my speech a lot more. I would also use more of the white space, because there is a lot of it. I would add more symbols and pictures, and make it more interesting and colourful.


laurenf • January 22, 2017

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