
It’s time for SLC’s

This is my first Student Led Conferences (SLC). A SLC is a presentation of my work in front of my parents and teacher(s). I will present a piece of work that I am most proud of, what I learned the most from, and work that is an example of my growth mindset.
The first piece of work that I will be talking about is the Mini Exhibition in December. This is the piece of work that I am most proud of. For this exhibition, I researched the effects of global warming in Deep Cove. I wanted to raise awareness of what global warming is doing to our community. To get this message across, I decided to make a model of Deep Cove, specifically Panorama Park and the houses that were built on the water’s edge. In the model, I put ice on a flat rock, to represent a glacier. I explained to my audience that the glaciers are melting due to global warming , and are causing the sea level to rise. I am proud of this project because I put many hours into researching this topic on the internet, and talking to Deep Cove residents. I am also proud that I came up with my own ideas on how to present global warming in Deep Cove, and I built the model by myself.

The next piece of work that I want to talk about are my blogposts, which you are reading right now. I have learned many things since the start of the school year about writing blogposts. There is a difference between my first blogpost and my most recent blogpost. My first blogpost is called “Camera angles comic life“, and my most recent blogpost is called “The Destination is Imagination“. The quality of my first blogpost is not very good. It lacks in pictures and links, which are very important because it makes your blogpost more interesting. My introduction sentence is weak, and doesn’t make you want to continue reading. The quality of my most recent blogpost is much better though. It has plenty of pictures and links, and the introduction sentence is stronger. I also have learned that critiquing and revising your work are important. I used to take feedback as criticism, but now I have learned that it helps me with my writing and improving my work. I also look at my classmates’ blogs to learn from them and to get fresh ideas for my own blogposts.


The final piece of work I would like to talk about is my participation in Destination Imagination (DI). As being a part of the improv team, I had to step outside of my comfort zone. My biggest challenge was to perform on the spot before an audience. At first, I was not very comfortable doing improv with my team because I did not know them very well. As we practiced more and more, it became easier. While we were practicing throughout the weeks, I stayed positive, even when we failed. I feel that I learned the most when we fail, as we had to discuss what went wrong, and what we can improve on. Throughout this process I gained more confidence and felt more and more comfortable within my team, and this gave me confidence to perform in front of an audience at DI.

Lastly I would like to talk about my goals for the year. I have three long term goals for this year. The first one is to use more complex words in my writing. I want to expand my vocabulary so that my work can become better. To do this, I will read more novels, and remind myself to replace words like “stuff” and “things” with better descriptive words. My second goal for this year is to make sure I finish and hand in my homework on time. Sometimes I put off things until last minute, which brings me to my last goal. My last goal is to not procrastinate, but to be better organized. I want to start my homework when it is assigned, and plan it out so that I can finish it in time for the due date. To accomplish these last two goals, I will put reminders on my cell phone on when the work is due, and plan my work such that I will finish it on time. When I get an assignment, I will start it as soon as possible, because when it is finished, I don’t have to worry about it anymore.

This is my first SLC, and I am nervous, but I know I will do great.

laurenf • March 1, 2017

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