
Why do we explore?

From one project to the next. Right after we finish our change and tension project, we do another one.

This project is about explorers, such as Christopher Columbus. The first thing we did to start off this project was, obviously, learn about the explorers and what they did. We learned about Beringia, farmers, and the early life in the 16th century.

After we learned about the unit, we were told what our project was going to be. We were going to be making a comic life about an explorer. We were out into different groups than the last project. I was with Melika, Jessie, and Maggie. We decided that we we’re going to make our comic life about John Cabot. The comic was about the explorers voyage, and after that voyage, he goes to the king and queen to tell them about it. The explorer want the king and queen to sponsor their next voyage, so that they can find more land and treasures.

We created a first draft. It was not very great, and needed tons of improvements. What we did after our first draft is peer critique. We saw everyone’s comic, and critiqued them. After we got ours critiqued, we revised and edited them to perfection. Here is my first draft compared to my final draft.

Left, first draft. Right, final draft.

Peer critique

Here is the presentation I made for my comic persuading the king and queen to sponsor our next voyage

This project has been very challenging, because we had to do lots of research. Hopefully we don’t get anymore because it is almost the end of the year.

– Lauren

laurenf • June 5, 2017

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