

Star Wars, The Last Exhibition

Star Wars is a huge multi media phenomenon, so of course we would do a project on the movie. Because the new movie, The Last Jedi has been released, it was perfect timing for out mini exhibition. Last years theme of the exhibition was global warming, and this year was Star Wars. It was very intriguing to learn how Star Wars can be used in a school project, however, it blended together well.

At the very beginning, I had never watched Star Wars. I had to watch all 7 of the movies before the exhibition. It took plenty of weekends, but I eventually finished them, and ended up loving the movies. The series has an outstanding story line and I was extremely impressed with the filming techniques. The movies were overall awesome and I’m exited to watch the upcoming ones.

Moving on, to start the project, we had to come up with an inquiry question. The question I created was, ‘could fixing the faults in military armour and stormtrooper armour, then combine them, create the ultimate armour?’ Although it was hard to come up with this question, I managed to think of it in time to start my project.

The first thing that had to be done was brainstorming for my project. It took time, but I came up with the idea to create a model of new and improved armour. I built the model with clay on a small wooden figure. I painted the model grey and gold, to mix the stormtrooper armour with military armour, so that this armour works for both army’s. I researched many things about the faults in military armour, and stormtrooper armour. The main things with both armours is that they cannot take multiple hits. For the military armour, i made the side lates thicker and more durable, and for the stormtrooper armour i added hafnium carbide, which can withhold 4000°C, which will help with getting shot with lasers.

All of the research I did was presented on a poster. On the poster, I explained the similarities and differences of the armours, and also how to combine and fix them both to create the ultimate armour. I also drew both stormtrooper and military helmets to make it more colourful and personal.

After my project was finished, it was time to move on to the decoration and planning of the actual exhibition. We were split into two groups, the light side and the dark side. I was on the dark side, because my project was about stormtroopers. The light side was in the PLP room, and the dark side was in the library. After we were put into our main groups, we were also put into sub groups. The groups were philosophy, military, behind the scenes, and impact of today’s world. My question fit into the military group, and I was with Maggie, Jamie, Caleb, and Kyle. For our little area, we had lightsabers everywhere, and on the tv was playing lots of fight scenes. At first, our area looked extremely terrible, but in the end, it all came together.

The exhibition was awesome. There were surprisingly many more people than I thought there would be. It was a great experience talking to people and strengthening my presentation skills. However, there is always room to improve, everything. There are some things that I would do differently. I would definitely make my project and presentation bigger. I do feel that mine was not as big and exciting as the others I saw, however, I am going to use that as a learning experience. For the bigger exhibition in June, I am going to make mine as spectacular as possible. Also, I am going to start much earlier. I am going to find an idea faster, so that i have more time to prepare and create my project.

Also, because we worked to hard on the exhibition, we had the opportunity to see the new movie in theatres with all of the PLP students. The movie was so much better than the last, and they are just going to get better and better. In my opinion, that is the best way to end a big project.

This exhibition has taught me many things, and I am very excited for the next one to make it the best one yet.

laurenf • December 22, 2017

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  1. Lucy W January 8, 2018 - 6:14 pm Reply

    This is really descriptive, and there were a lot of pictures. However, at some points I wasn’t sure what the pictures meant, or related to. I’d suggest captions, or further explanations. Overall, it was really good.

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