
TPOL Time Again!

TPOLS, it’s that time again. Transitional presentations of learning, what’s not to love? Imagine, you’re standing there, in front of your parents and teachers, and you have to present to them what you’ve learned throughout the year, scary right? Right. However, I have done 3 of these in the past, so it’s nothing new to me. If you want to read about my previous presentations, you can click here, here, or here (those are in order of my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd presentations I’ve done). 

Now, if you are completely lost, and don’t know what I am talking about, let me explain myself. A TPOL is a presentation we do at the end of each year. During the presentation, we answer a few questions about our work, using specific projects as examples, to back up our answer. Usually I would answer about 3 questions, however, this year I will be answer 4 (big difference right). The questions I will be answering were specifically chosen by me to really reflect on the year and really show my growth as a learner. 

1st question:

Of your work completed this year, what are you the most proud of and why?

Out of all the PLP projects, I think I am the most proud of my WWI comic book. In the project, I put in many hours of research, and I made sure I worked very hard on the actual comic itself. I made my portion of the comic very personalized, and made sure I could put in as much research into it as I could, while making it readable to the grade 7’s we were presenting to.

Here’s the comic!

During the presentation, I feel that I did a good job of explaining my topic, a short summary of what WWI was, and how my topic was an important aspect of the war. The kids I presented to were surprisingly interested in the war, and it was so amazing and fun to present to kids who have an interest in history. 

2nd question:

Did the work you completed this year meet your standards?

Overall, in my opinion, the projects I completed did meet my standards. One of my best examples that I can give is DI. I know, it has a pretty bad reputation, and I’m nit going to lie, it is pretty stressful, but I do think that it is a good learning experience for us, and it teaches me a lot. This year, in the regional competition, we did not do very well. We did get into provincials, but we didn’t get a very good score. However, we stepped up our game, and worked very very hard to do better for provincials. 

We rebuilt our set, we added a dance, we incorporated acrobatics, and all of that hard work really paid off. In provincials, we got 1st place in both out instant challenge and our central challenge. I am so proud of my team, and those achievements made us realize that in order to meet your standards, and have you know that that was the best work you can do, you have to put lots of time, energy, and work into it. 

3rd question:

What is the one thing you want people to notice when they look at your work?

When people look at my work, I want them to see how much time, effort, research, and work I put into the project. I want people to see that I have an understanding of what I am doing, and how much work it took to complete the project. 

When people look at my work, I want them to notice how I have spent time ton the project to make it look its best, and not just throwing something together the night before. I want people to see how dedicated I am to the project, I want them to recognize the time it took to make the final project the best it could be. 

4th question:

What’s one goal you would like to set for yourself for next year?

Next year, I really want to be dedicated and hard working. I want to not procrastinate whatsoever, which I have actually gotten much better at. I am going to manage my work, and make sure I have enough time to complete the assignment or project, and not just take the easy ways out. I am going to start to out extra research into everything I do, to make sure that I go above and beyond in everything I do. 

laurenf • June 9, 2018

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