

A trip to Calgary

Summer is over, and all good things must come to an end. School has started, and it already feels like I need another vacation. But, it has only been a week, and lucky for me, PLP 9 is going on a trip. That’s right, we are going on a field study on the second week of school. This year, we are learning all about the history of Canada. We decided, to help us learn about Canadian history, we will take a week long trip to Calgary!

I would tell you about every single typing we did on this trip, but then you would be reading for quite a long time, so i will just tell you about the highlights and lowlights of the trip!

There are so many fun things on the trip, I don’t know where to start! One of our very first stops we went to was Craigellachie. Here, we learned about the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR). Craigellachie is special, because that is where the last spike was driven in. We actually when to the exact place that the spike is. It was very cool to see it all in person.

Another place that we visited is the Three Valley Gap Ghost Town. There we were challenged to film a fiction video that about a story that we wrote, and we had to film everything in an hour! Luckily my group, Isabelle, Keiffer, and Daniel, and I, finished in time. It was very challenging, but fun at the same time.

One of my favourite places that we stopped at was the Northern Lights Wolf Center. There we learned about how wolves can last a whole lot longer in captivity then in the wild, but the thing is, they aren’t really in captivity. These wolves are kept in a very large fenced area, and are taken on off leach walks for about 2 hours a day. It was very refreshing to hear that they are living happy and healthy lives.

My number one favourite part of this trip was this escape room. If you dont know what an escape room is, you are locked in a room and aren’t let out until either you finish the task or the time is up. Out task was to find the ashes of a man with all the clues and let them out. We did finish the task, just not in the time limit. They let us finish the task instead of making us leave when the time ran out, which was very kind of them.

The main reason we went to Calgary was for this festival called Beakerhead. It is a science, art, and engineering festival. One of their main attractions is this sculpture called the serpent mother. It is this HUGE sculpture of a snake made out of metal. Each bone in the spine lights with fire, and 2 times a day they have a show, where the snake egg opens and coloured fire shoots out the top. It is a spectacular show to watch.

One of that last places that we visited was the Banff hot springs. We were to make one video this trip explaining a real story about this place. I chose to do the Banff hot springs, and i and i actually learned a lot about how the hot springs helps with healing aspects.

The last place that we visited was the enchanted forest. Here we had to do the same thing we did in 3 Valley Gap. Only this time, we did not know that were doing this. We were to make another fictional video about ay story we wanted. My group decided we were going to do a very silly and cheesy comedy about turning into inanimate objects, and it was pretty funny is a say so myself. I created the video with Kailey, Robin, and Maggie, and it was lots of fun.

Because that was the last stop, it means the trip is over. 🙁 This trip was so far the most fun trip, because we have only been on one other one to compare it to, however, i would totally do this trip again if I had to. That only thing i would do differently, i would go to sleep a lot earlier, because on this trip, i was getting an everage of 6 hours of sleep a night, whic was a bad mistake, but good to know for their next trip in April, which you will find out about later…..

laurenf • September 22, 2017

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  1. aliviaw September 22, 2017 - 3:34 pm Reply

    Nice wolf pics. I had tons of fun there!

  2. maggiew September 22, 2017 - 3:35 pm Reply

    This is so good! I really like that photo from Craigellachie. Whoever took must be very talented indeed.

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