
Going to work

As a part of health and career, we have to participate in ‘bring your kids to work day.’ On Wednesday November 1, I went to Industrial Alliance (IA), which is where my mom works. Because there are lots of parents there who also have kids in 9th grade, there were about 9 other student there. Because there were so many, IA held a workshop for all of us. The workshop lasted half the day, and the other half was just job shadowing, but it was very interesting.

The workshop started at 9am. The first thing we did was an icebreaker game. This was just so that we got to know everyone. Most of the people there were from downtown Vancouver, and I was the only one from North Vancouver. However, I did make some new friends. Afterwards, we started learning about resumes.

We learned about what should be on a resume, such as academics, extracurricular activities, etc. We also learned what order to put thing in, the most recent ones go first. Then, they started teaching us about interviews. We were told to always be prepared. They also taught us the kind of questions that would be in anger views, and they told us about surprise questions, such as, if you had and superpower, what would it be, or, what is you go to karaoke song, things like that. They said that the purpose of that is to test your creativity, and also see how you react in an on the spot situation. I thought it was very neat.

Afterwards, we started doing a mock interview with a partner. It was actually not to bad, probably because it was just with a friend, but I was not very nervous. It was pretty fun actually.

After we finished everything, it was time to job shadow our parents. However, it just so happened that the day i came to my moms work, she was in a full day course, so i couldn’t job shadow her. Instead, I sat at her desk and finished my homework. I also interviewed 2 people. We had to ask them questions about their work, so here are the interviews.

After the interviews, it was time to leave. But before I left, I got a certificate for completing take you kids to work day, and for completing the workshop. It was lots of fun, and I now have proof of actually doing it.

laurenf • November 6, 2017

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