
MPOLS are back again

Here it is again, another mid-year prevention if learning (MPOL). If you don’t know what this is, you can read about it here and here. I have already done 2 of these last year, previously called an SLC, or a TPOL. These are presentations of learning, and we create a presentation to our teacher(s) about the work we have accomplished, and what we plan on doing to achieve our goals. To start the presentation, we answer some of the questions were given using pieces of our work to answer, however, this year, to finish our presentation, we ask the teachers and our parents a question about how to become a better learner. The questions we answer should lead up to the question we ask.

The first question I will be answering is:
Of the work you have completed this year, what are you the least proud of and why?

I chose my Math Card Game. That project was not my best work, and it could have been a lot better. The reason I am not proud if it is because I didn’t focus in where I could get the most marks. Most of the marks went to the creativity and the artwork. However, in my opinion, I do think that most of the marks should have gone to the understanding of algebra. There were some people in class who have amazing art skills, however, may not understand the math, yet they got an A. The project was a good project, I just think the marks were in the wrong place.

This project has taught me to make sure I know what area most of the marks are to, and to put most of the work there first, and also, present my knowledge through my projects more clearly.

The next question I will be answering is:
What project did you struggle with and why?

To answer this question, I had to really think about which project I had the most trouble with. I decided that it was Frankenstuffie. Although I did struggle with the other projects, Frankenstuffie was a challenge. The reason it was such a struggle was because it was an individual project. I am always nervous for individual projects, because I always feel that I won’t be able to do them alone. At first, Frankenstuffie was going to be a group project, but then it changed to an individual one, and I got really stressed. Once we started the project, most people knew what they were doing and I only had an idea. I was falling behind, but then, I decided to stop stressing out and just work. By the middle of the project, I was one of the farthest ahead.

The reason I say I struggled with this project is because from going to one of the most behind to one of the most ahead was difficult. I didn’t think I would be able to do it, and at some points I wanted to just stay behind in the project, but I kept going. It was hard, but with persistence and a good mindset, I got through it and completing my goal.

The following question I will be answering is:
Did the work you completed this year meet your standard?

My answer to this is a yes(excluding my math project). I feel that I did very well in all of my projects, and they all came out the way I wanted, if not better. One example is metaphor machines. I’m not going to lie, I thought that our machine was going to fail, or worse, break. It turns out, our machine was the first to work properly, and we were the first to finish. Our machine turned out amazing, and I am very proud of it.

The final question I will be answering is:
What are the goals you would like to set for yourself for the remainder of the year?

I do have many academic goals for this year, and they will require much work to achieve. My first goal is to be more cooperative in groups. I don’t want to be the person no one wants to be with. I want to listen to people’s ideas, and if they are not good, then just branch off, rather than turning it down. Another goal of mine is to get things done when they need to be. If I have time in class to do something, then I should use that time wisely and get as much work done as possible. As well, if I have time before an activity, I should also use that time rather than waiting until afterward. My last goal is to never stop at one idea. Always keep brainstorming, because there is always a better idea just around the corner. These goals will not be easy to achieve, but I am willing to work hard.

The last thing I have is a question to the teachers and my parents:
What skills should I gain or strengthen to help me work better and cooperate in group projects or assignments?

laurenf • January 25, 2018

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