
Destination Imagination part 2

Destination Imagination is officially over for this year. Provincials is now over, which means we are finished DI. This year, DI has been very difficult, but it taught me a lot. But before i get into all of that, let’s first go into the transition from regionals to provincials. 

In regionals, we didn’t do too good. We got 2nd last, so we decided to give ur performance a makeover! The first thing we needed to do is completely rebuild our set. After out regionals performance, someone knocked over our set, broke it, and didn’t tell us. So, we decided to make our set differently, by having big pieces of wood and painting them, rather than having some painted fabric around an un-sturdy square of wood. 

We also decided to add a dance, which was our spectacle as well. As well, we added acrobatics, which I think is what helped us get some more points in our performance. 

Other than those two aspects of the performance, we didn’t change vary many other things. All we had to do was just practice, practice, practice. We practiced many more times before provincials, which really helped. 

The tournament this year was at Johnston Heights Secondary. We got to present our performance in the theatre, which was really cool, and made it feel like a real show. The groups we were up against were really good, and I was very nervous before going up, but, as a matter of fact, our performance went REALLY well. In the end, we got 1st for our main challenge AND our instant challenge!

I am so round if my teammates for doing so well, and we worked so hard for this to haloed. Unfortunately, we will nit be going to global, because it is too expensive, and also too far which means we would have to fly. However, I am still. Dry proud of what we accomplished, and it was such a learning experience! I’m excited for next years toirnament, hopefully we will win again!!

laurenf • May 6, 2018

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