Part One: My burning question for this weeks challenge is “What is the Milky Way made of?” The answer to my question is a little long so lets hop right into it! The Milky Way is basically a spiraled galaxy of which had been formed roughly fourteen billion years ago. The Milky Way was made from dust, gas and stars spread out from the center of the Milky Way in long spiraling branches. The Milky Way owns over 200 billion stars, and just enough dust and gas to be able to make billions more. The galaxy we like to think of as our own is made of different things such as: clouds of dust and a gas that is called “nebula,” stars, meteors, planets, comets and asteroids
Part Two: https://youtu.be/qBuVZprC1VQ This video shares five interesting facts about the Milky Way galaxy that you may not already know, because in school when we study “space” we mostly focus on just the planets, and not what beholds all of the planets.