Lennart's Humanities Life

What's going on with that german dude?

The world of poetryđź“”

It’s been a while and we finished our second project about Poetry. Over the last three weeks we worked on that big topic to reach our goal: “The final presentation of our own Poetry”.

Our first step was to define Poetry. What is Poetry actually? Where can we find poetry in our all day life’s? We collected ideas and realized that poetry is much more as we thought it it.
After talking about that we learned the most important poetic terms. We split them up and everybody had to explain two of them to the class in a creative way with a poster. After a small quiz about that we moved on to read some poems with the exercise to find these terms.

As everybody felt save with that we started to go in our poetry groups and started to think of the topic we want our presentation to be about. We chose the topic “Addiction”. All of the people in the group had to find a poem study it well and analyze it so the audience could understand it better and why they fit in our topic. It wasn’t easy to find good poems about addiction because most of them were really similar and we wanted to read poems out our the whole spectrum of addiction. After a few classes we finished our presentation and had a really good “Readers Theatre” with a few parents. (I put the video in this link here so when you are interested how that went just watch it HERE 🙂 )

In my opinion was that project really successful. We already learned about poetry back in Germany but the way we learned how to understand poetry was way easier, funnier, and more exiting than just reading in books.


lennartb • December 5, 2019

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