Hey! Welcome to week 9 Challenges! This week is all about Alex and his love for coding. Unfortunately Alex has difficulty seeing, but Alex has found a way to get past that and he works really hard in school and his job working on the blogs that we’re using right now.
Onto the topic of coding though. We got the challenge to do an hour of coding.
I went to code.org to complete this and it was fun making different ways to play Flappy Bird.
Now for the final challenge we got to try some code on our own blog.
welcome to the student blogging challenge
If you’re wondering how I wrote the text like that it’s simple. Firstly go to the top of your post and hit the text button. Then make this <I>text<i/> and write whatever you want with it. Another way is to use <b>text<b/> to get bold letters.
welcome to the student blogging challenge
Thank you for taking the time to learn about code.