Hello and welcome back to my blog! This school year, as you’ve probably guessed is a little different. We only have two classes a day and so our work for those classes are different. One of the different things about Humanities is we will now be starting a weekly blog post to talk about what we’ve done and learned in that week. So here’s my first of many blog posts to come.
This week was quite a strange week for me. Not only did we change our schedule but I also went riding for the first time since I crashed last week. I probably shouldn’t have gone riding this week as my hand was still hurting but I had lots of fun and I got used to the new changes I made on my bike. I know you probably visit my blog to hear about all my projects and my learning during those but I mountain biking is a big part of my life so I will be including a small paragraph in all of these weekly blog posts so I can keep track of my progression on my bike.
As far as learning goes I also learned a lot this week. In making our trailers this week I taught myself a lot on recording good audio. I made myself a small recording studio in my closed by hanging clothes all over the walls and because of this I think it helped my trailer a lot and I’m happy I went through the effort of getting prepared before a started doing any recording. Thinking of it now I’m realizing that I actually applied one of our PGP techniques which was ‘Be Proactive’ if I hadn’t done this I think I would’ve spent plenty of time messing with the audio and I wouldn’t have made a very good trailer.
We also got introduced to our new project! I’ll talk about that more in next weeks post thought because I will end up going on forever about it. So I’ll see you then.