The Differences That Bring us Together

In this weeks edublogs challenge we must share some of our opinions to help connect with our viewers. First I would love it if you would answer a few questions on this poll.

Thanks for responding!!!! Feel free to start a discussion in the comments below

Now I’ll tell you a bit about myself and some of my likes and dislikes.

I am Apple person

My favorite sport is golf but I also play hockey and baseball

My favorite genre of book is mystery

My favorite season is summer

Do we have any of the same likes?

I have recently read a book with my class called More Happy Than NotIf you are interested in the project that went along with the reading please read my post that goes much more in depth on the reading and work that went along with it.

My Review

As I said up above my favourite genre is a mystery and MHTN (More Happy Than Not) is far from a mystery to my surprise the twists and left me interested and intrigued in the book. MHTN documents the life of teenager living in the bronx and his quest to change who he is. I was not impressed with the first 2 parts because of the focus on the drama of the main character’s (Aaron) life. However, during the next 3 parts the story began to take a turn that I found more interesting. The story all in all isn’t something I was into all that much but the constant twists and confusion made the read interesting enough that I ended up enjoying the book. Overall, I rate the book a 4/10 for story and a 8/10 for quality of writing. Tell me about some of the book you are reading in the comments below. Until next week

As I said up above my favorite genre is a mystery and MHTN (More Happy Than Not) is far from a mystery to my surprise the twists and left me interested and intrigued in the book. MHTN documents the life of a teenager living in the Bronx and his quest to change who he is. I was not impressed with the first 2 parts because of the focus on the drama of the main character’s (Aaron) life. However, during the next 3 parts, the story began to take a turn that I found more interesting. The story all in all isn’t something I was into all that much but the constant twists and confusion made the read interesting enough that I ended up enjoying the book. Overall, I rate the book a 4/10 for the story and an 8/10 for the quality of writing. Tell me about some of the books you are reading in the comments below. Until next week

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