Stronger Than Diamond

Graphene is a single strip of carbon atoms bonded in a hexagonal pattern

Diamonds have long been considered the strongest substance on earth by pop culture. However, in the last 25 years many scientists have discovered a much stronger substance. That substance is graphene. You may have heard about this collection of atoms before, but I have noticed a lack of mainstream coverage of the advancements made over the past few years. I set out to learn a bit more about some of the underreported questions.

What is graphene used in today?

The potential to use graphene in many household, commercial, and scientific products. Graphene is now at a state where it can be mass produced but because of a natural desire for business to the same a lot of the advancements have gone to waste because they need to be much better the current material to replace it.

What are its potential uses?

Electronic circuits printed onto fabrics (clothes, towels, etc.), graphene infused rubber that remains strong under the worst conditions (vacuum, high pressure, extreme temperature, and other extreme conditions), graphene could be infused in anything to make it stronger without sacrificing flexibility and weight.

Graphine’s atomic composition is very simple in nature

I found this fantastic video that aided in my research of the graphene. The video is on youtube and is a very credible source. I know this after watching the video and seeing how well rounded their sources were. When a video is using credible sources and their information matches with the majority of common info on the topic.

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One thought on “Stronger Than Diamond

  1. Hi Logan, I guessed the first statement was a lie.

    I had never heard of Graphene, it sounds like a very interesting substance.

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