well that just happened…
The grade 8’s of PLP just experienced something we will all learn from. It was the 2016 Winter Exhibition. We had to figure out a question, and make a creative way of showing our answer. Then we had to do what we needed to do, in a week. Yes, a week. Instead of complaining about it, we did the work so we could have something we were proud of. You don’t want to stand behind something you aren’t happy with, so that’s why we worked so hard to get a good final product. I would have definitely enjoyed this experience a more if we had more time, because it was utter chaos. After school for those days I worked until late on my project, and I had to put 100% focus during class. It was very stressful, but I got it done, and learned a lot.
Moving on… my question was, how can an invasive species help the ecosystem? I thought It was going to be a good idea to create a stop-animation drawing video on my ipad. Looking back, that isn’t what I would do again. I took the first 3 days of humaties and maker, and the weekend to create it, and it ended up being 5 seconds. So, I ended up realizing I needed more than the five second video.
I then researched about the bee I made the animation about, killer bees. It was a video showing info about killer bees. I had to throw it together in 2 days, so it isn’t as exciting as I could have made it with more time, but it was still something I was proud of. The animation was pretty hiden in the overall video, which I was kinda of sad about, but its ok. Hopefully people still saw it. I had the video/presentation on loop so people could just walk by and watch some. Thinking back, maybe I should have had something they could do, besides eat the whale and frog candy.
So I forgot to mention this but, it’s been two weeks since the exhibition. I remember 90% of this experiance, and that shows I really did learn things. I learnt that time management is extremely important. Also, I should do a bunch of research before actually starting to create. Know your topic down to the bone, so you don’t have to awkwardly tell a parent you dont know the answer to their question. And for the education part of it, I remember mostly everything about killer bees and invasive species I researched about.
My group was Aliva, Robin, Owen, Austin, Keifer. I shared a table with three of my group memebers. We had Robin’s LEGO replica, my video, and Owen’s brochure. I definitely took on a lot of responsibility for the table itself. I wanted it to look good. It was kinda over the top (in a great way) , lights, plants, burlap, and candy. The final product was something I was proud to stand behind.
Overall, this project was a success, with the time we had. I learnt a lot and know the do’s and donts for next time!
I think your kool and snarky- Susanbeefyswaggg (club penguin)
tHiS BlOG pOSt gIVes mE LYfe. I mUsT ReAd iT EvRy dAY or I wILL nEEd to sEEk MEdiCAl Assistance.