The Destination is Our Imagination!
Welcome! This is the last blog post that will be dedicated to the one and only Destination Imagination… It feels like yesterday when I posted my first one 2.5 years ago… Before I start rambling, if you want to hear about my DI Regionals read it here. I don’t want to repeat the same stuff I say there!
OK, getting into the provincials talk… For provincials my team and I really needed to focus on the aircraft and the aircraft only. Besides having to move around the script because Logan couldn’t come, we didn’t change much storyline/props related. We did revise our team choice element #2 by explaining better what we meant. But, the aircraft and payloads were top priority. We used the same drone and figured out why it didn’t work the previous time, and came up with a payload technique we liked more than the last one. Although the aircraft/payloads might have not worked at provincials 100% (payloads not aircraft) but the effort was visible. This part of the challenge on the last week before provincials is where Logan, Jamie and Daniel stepped in and worked hard.
So, as this is my last blog post of DI I want to revisit my grade 8 DI blog post and see what I thought about it, what I learned and any skills I wanted to improve on. Let’s take a look. Ok I just re read my grade 8 DI blogs and jeez was I hard on DI. I never fully “loved” DI, but it definitely grew on me each year. This year I definitely tried my absolute hardest to go into it with a positive and excited outlook, and It definitely helped. The negativity I have towards it in the grade 8 blog post is fully understandable as DI is super frustrating and will make you cry at least once… (HA) Anyways, as the 3 years went by I tried to almost take the DI part out of DI and just look at it as an awesome team learning experience that will help me grow my tool box of skills. I definitely am happy my blog this year isn’t a “I hate DI” type this year, and I’m happy about how my perspective has changed majorly.
Before I get into full reflection, we got 2nd in the overall challenge and 1st in instant challenge. (We did really well in the instant challenge and feel very proud of it. ) Anyways, being genuinely honest, this DI was the most frustrating out of all 3 DI years, personally for myself. I sometimes felt my time and effort put into the presentation was hidden by the other side of the team not doing what they said they would. I really worked my butt off this year for DI. I found myself prioritizing it over everything else, and spent the most time I have on DI in all of the years writing, painting, making, practicing etc. Being honest, I would get upset about how I worked everyday after school for a few weeks while some others did nothing… But I sat and thought about how if I removed grades, DI, school from this experience, I’m leaning new valuable skills. My grade may get lowered, my team may not win but I’m gaining new patience and persistence that I probably wouldn’t have without DI.
I didn’t think the best part of DI was the performance, I think it was the new outlook I gained on my work ethic and how to perceive an experience. While I am proud of the things I did for our DI presentation, we didn’t complete our challenge fully which was make a flying aircraft that dropped payloads. It wasn’t a EPIC WIN, it was more EPIC LEARNING MIND EXPLOSION. Learning how to deal with frustration in group projects, and to continue to work super hard is something I’m going to have to know for all the future grades, university, and whatever career I’m in.
So long, Destination Imagination!