Luca’s Thoughts

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.

Coding without a computer

In class today we worked on coding with out using our electronic devises. It was quite hard at times, but it was very educational and interesting. We partook in two exercises during our class time. In the first excercize we had a picture of a shape to draw and we had to try to draw it without looking at it. We each had a partner, and we sat back to back, and when one partner described the shape, the other one drew it. I think it was easier drawing than describing because you didn’t have to put the shapes in more understandable terms. For example one person would describe how big or were it is on the page by using finger nail measurements, “the circle is three finger nails wide and two long”. Though looking back at it now I think I could improve my directions by giving exact measurements like inches or centimetres. The other exercise we did was one were we hid an object around the room. It was like a hide and seek sort of game except there was multiple finders. Both of these activities relates to coding in the same way, for example in both of the activities we controlled what the were doing by commanding them to do actions. They had no other option then what we said, and they also had to enter our ideas on the piece of paper or video. Finally I think that to day in class was very eventful and I learned a lot from these two exercises.

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