Luca’s Thoughts

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.

The Exibition Experience

For the end of our term, we participated in an exhibition that was based around the environment. Each person had to come up with a question and then thoroughly answer that question via their presentation. First off we were set to brainstorm ideas about the potential and current problems we have in our environment. Next, we based our question off of an idea that inspired us to innovate solutions to the problem we chose. Once we were certain of our question, we started researching ways to solve and present answers to the environmental issue in question.  This proses led me to answer “How can we balance tourism in sensitive eco areas”. In retrospect, there are many parts of my presentation that I feel like could be stronger and others that provided strong evidence to support my solution.


Here is a link to the iMovie I created.

For my exhibition I picked a question that both mirrored my personal interests and also inspired me to learn more about my topic. Overall I presented my media in the form of an iMovie. In addition to my presentation I added a game that helped viewers to understand my topic and take part in the process of finding a solution. Even though I thought my project was a success, I feel like there are several changes that could be made to make it more powerful.
For example, a lot of the informational side of my presentation was in the form of audio recorded for my iMovie, With all of the time and effort of I used to create the audio, I felt it was ineffective due to the noisy, crowded environment of the exhibition room. Another change I would make would be to increase the complexity and challenge of the “Pin The Trash Can” game. Thirdly, I felt the amount of slides could be lengthened and looped to create a more informative presentation over the length of time of the exhibition.

On the positive side, I not only felt like I answered the question but also came up with an innovative take on how to tackle the problem of how we can balance tourism. Also, the viewers seemed to find it compelling, and informative, and enjoyed our discussion on the topic.  Since I was not able to use the audio, I verbally walked people through the slides and explained my question. I actually found it to be a more effective way of communicating and presenting my environmental solutions. My game added an element of fun and participation that was greatly needed. Overall, I think that my presentation was successful and thoroughly answered my question.

The overall exhibition was informative, but needed some definite work. I found that I learned a lot about environmental problems and in some cases solutions to those problems. I also enjoyed the process of putting the exhibition together with others. The abundance of candy was an extra bonus. For the next exhibition, possibly better time management could create more interesting and elaborate presentations, and a larger room would decrease the noise level and cluster of people. The format of an exhibition is an interesting and eye opening experience and one I look forward to in the future.

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