Luca’s Thoughts

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.

2017 Winter Exhibition

On December 14 we had our winter Exhibition, one of the two PLP exhibitions we have a school year. Even though the winter Exhibition is smaller I think that it is equally as hard as our Blue Sky Exhibition, if not harder. Part of the reason I think this is because there are more rules and less time to complete the project. This years winter Exhibition was Star Wars themed, not only because our primary focus this year is movie making, but also because the new Star Wars movie The Last Jedi was planed to come out a day after the Exhibition.

The project I made for the Exhibition I think answered some questions that I had always wondered about. My inquiry question this year was “how does a weapon influence a characters appearance and personality”, but to put it simply I just wanted to learn what were the main steps to creating a believable character in an action genre. I had to narrow my idea down a little so I eventually ended up introducing the movie making part to my end result. I had to test my question so I needed to do a little research. I mainly had to research all the main characters and create a theory most likely with steps and a reasonable conclusion.

Than I found a pattern in my research. In Star Wars almost all of the main characters have a weapon, that not only creates a personality for their self, but also sets them apart from others. For example in the new Starwars movie Rogue One, the Secondary character Baze Malbus (Jiang Wen) is a big artillery guy with two big guns without those guns he would not be as powerful.

Next I went to work on creating my project which ended up being, simply put, a poster, a game, and a video. The poster was more of a way of showing my research, like the video interview, were the game was more to showcase my end result. I think the game really helped pulling in the audiences attention.

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1 Comment

  1. Fraser January 8, 2018

    Good post

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