Some people still dont understand how to use emojis. In this day and age you would expect that everyone would want to keep up on new technologies, and trends. Unfortunately, that’s not true, some people have been hiding in their little shells and have missed the hostile takeover of the emojis. This ends up leaving us with some horrific texts filled with the wrong emojis, some that end up being quite embarrassing for the viewer. I really like emojis, and I really like how one cool use for them is as algebraic symbols. I made a quick example up above. If you can figure it out please comment your answer below, and I’ll tell you if you are correct.
Miss W November 7, 2018
G’day Luca,
Love the emoji maths but aren’t you missing a sign in the last line after the bracket?
Luca Oliver-Green November 7, 2018 — Post Author
G’day Miss W
After consulting with my math teacher I clarified that after the bracket there is an implied multiplication symbol. Since there are younger viewers, I have added the ✖️ Symble in the corresponding areas. Was this what you mentioned?
Miss W November 7, 2018
Thanks Luca,
Now I will be able to work out the answer. Might come back here in a week to give others the chance to answer first though.
Luca Oliver-Green November 8, 2018 — Post Author
Sounds great, Can’t wait
Merry Beau November 7, 2018
Hi Luca, I enjoyed your piece about emojiis. I like them but prefer GIFS. Choose the right GIF and you really can enhance a message I think.
My name is Merry Beau and I am a commenter from the Student Blogging Challenge.
I teach children between the ages of 4 and 12 and I am from Ireland. Here is a link to our class blog
My class and I have done the student blogging challenge in the past and enjoyed it.
I was pleased to see you have an All About Me page. All in all your personality and character comes across in your blog … and it is bright 🙂
If you get a chance you could put up the Student Blogging Challenge badge for 2018. The instructions for doing that are here:
I see you have some other widgets. I like your choice of clock. I am a fan of widgets. I think they make a blog more interesting and interactive.
It would be lovely to hear back from you. You could leave a comment on my class blog. Part of the fun of blogging is getting to hear from people all over the world. As Ms. Morris says if you finish your tasks why not visit other student bloggers and leave a comment to say hello.
With every good wish
Merry Beau
Merry Beau November 7, 2018
Oops Luca, Apologies, I have just seen you have the Student Blogging Challenge on your blog. Its looking well. Thank you.
Luca Oliver-Green November 7, 2018 — Post Author
Actually I previously read your comment (sorry for not getting back to you), and I added the HTML code inlayed your blog. Thanks for your comment, and all be sure to repay the favour ASAP.
Merry Beau November 7, 2018
Relieved to hear that Luca. I commented on about twenty blogs tonight and was liable to make mistakes after the first ten 😉 You know the way. Keep up the good work. Happy blogging.