In Math Class we have been learning all about the wonderful powers of algebra tiles, and how they can be used to create fun math games. For this term we have been focusing on polynomials as well, tiring them in to our overall focus. There were many Curricular Compatencies our teacher used to grade us on this project. Four of the most significant ones were developing thinking strategies to solve puzzles and play games, reflecting on mathematical thinking, solving problems with persistence and a positive disposition, and taking risks when offering ideas in classroom discourse.
These different Curricular Compatencies helped me learn throughout this unit. When I took riskes by sharing my ideas, we were able to decide on our game design. Also, when I was solving mathematical problems I always stayed positive and didn’t give up no matter the difficulty. Creating our game was one of the hardest parts of our project and when me and my partner Logan were coming up with the idea we developed a thinking strategy. We needed a game that was simple, fun, and could be played with a novice understanding of algebra. We solved this problem by creating a game design and if it wasn’t one of those three characteristics that I just mentioned than we had to start again. We followed this thinking strategy many times before arriving at the algebra tiles game we have today. Solving with algebra tiles can be separated into three different equations.
Solve for expanded form, solve for simplified form, and perfect squares. Solving for the expanded form is the easiest way to use algebra tiles, you are given a simplified equation so you can solve for the expanded form. Solving for the simplified form is similar to the previous way. Instead of being given the simplified form you are given the expanded form to solve for. Using algebra tiles you can find which tiles lie on the outside of the square.
Solving for a perfect square, is more difficult then the latter two. You have to expand the equation twice. First from the squared number to a simplified form, then to an expanded form. This project has been very exciting, ending in a video were we exhibited our learning. Watch our video below!