When we were first introduced to our first podcast project, we were all incredibly excited. One of the main reasons we were so exited is because we have been creating video projects for the past year and a half and we were ready for some change.
We started of the project by listening to some podcasts in and out of class. This was incredibly helpful for me since I don’t listen to podcasts on a daily basis. After listening to many different podcasts I started to hear patterns in the podcasts form. They would all start with an intro that would repeat across multiple episodes, and end with a conclusion thanking who ever was involved with the making of the podcast and summarizing the episode. We ended up using this format in our final podcast.
Since this was a humanities project we had to involve history in our final products. This term we have been mainly focusing on the Legacy Of World War II In Canada. In class we watched many different video’s on WWII. Some of the most significant videos we watched were WWII in colour, and the fallen of WWII. I highly recommend you watch these video if like me you are interested in this subject.
Every day we would learn something new about WWII. I really liked how we would learn about the war in a liner fashion so that it was more organized and clear in our minds. The project itself was quite challenging, but this aspect of the project only made it better. Since there were less guidelines it enabled us to have more creative freedom. Also we were able to create this project in collaboration with The Memory Project. The Memory Project offered to put us in touch with 8-10 Veterans and families involved or impacted by WWII. Originally we would be paired up for an interview, but the creation of the podcast episode was individual
These veterans, families, and organization were our “authentic audience” for when we presented this project. The first part of this project was the interview. Since I had singed up for the First episode, I had to recap on the end of WWI and introduce the start of WWII. I wanted to have an interview for both wars so that I could sustain the listeners attention. This was one of the hardest parts of the project, because I had to find my own interviews. For the WWI interveiw, I was able to get a VHS of my Great Grandfather talking about his life story. The interview was taken in 1997 so the quality of the audio was definitely a speed bump that I had to deal with later on when editing my podcast. The second interview was actually a written piece given to me by my teacher Ms Maxwell. It was was written by her grandfather Bob Porter, and described his adventures in the navy between 1941 and 1945. Both of these interviews laid the foundation to my podcast.
The most important segment of the creation of my podcast was the script. Once I had completed my scrip it was much easier to record. I finished all of my recording over the weekend before the first deadline. Even though it took six hours to record and edit my video, the quality that my last draft had was close to perfection. I was proud of what I had created, and that made me incredibly happy. When I showed the first draft to my parents they were proud as well. Most of the critique I got revolved around the sound quality of my first interview and time length.
Critique By Morgan and Logan:
— I don’t understand why the music in the back keeps getting louder and it seems to get more distracting.
— I have trouble understanding a bit of your intro. I would turn down the music a little bit to make you voice clearer. It gets louder at some points, I would try to keep it all around the same volume.
— There are some large pauses that you could edit out to shorten your time.
— Try equalizing the audio of your first interview so that it sounds cleaner.
Critiques like these helped my podcast become what is is today. Looking back at all of the work I have done and all of the lessons I have learned there are only a few details I would change. Since, I learn all about the different ways to equalize my audio, I wish that I had spent some time at the end of the project to equalize my my audio even more than I have already done. It would also have been easier in the future to record my scrip on multiple occasions so that I didn’t feel as overwhelmed. Unlike some projects in the past, this project leaves me wanting more. That is what I liked most about this podcast, the fact that even though it was strenuous, I was proud at the end. Here is my final draft enjoy!