Luca’s Thoughts

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.

Cell Phone Systems: Linear Equations

This was our second unit this term that involved the use of liner equations. For this project we were put in groups of two, and given the inquiry question:

“How can we use systems of equations to determine the least expensive cell phone plan that meets our needs?”

This was a shorter project compared to our previous projects. My partner Isabelle and I, decided that it would. Be best to create a video, that could explain all of the important aspects of the driving questions. It was very important to look at the rubric, before starting this project so we knew what to cover. We started this project by researching three different phone plans. The plans that we chose were, Telus, Virgin Mobile, and Bell. It was also important to make sure that there was some differences between th plans so that they could intersect.

Once we had completed our reasurch we desided that the next step would be the mathematics. Like I mentioned before the main part of this project was graphing linear equations. In our video, Isy and I explain how you could find the correct plan for your needs.

Overall I really liked this project, because I think that I could use this in my life. It is a really interesting skill to have, and I know that it will relate to different units still to come.

Four different Circular Compatancies that I Used/Improved during this project are:

Reasoning and modelling

Through this project I explored, analyzed, and applied mathematical ideas using reason, technology, and other tools while finding the correct liner equations to base our project off of.

Communicating and representing

I represented mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms by creating a keynote video that touched on all of the topics that I researched.

Understanding and solving

I made sure to Visualize, explore and illustrate mathematical concepts and relationships using keynote magic move so that the audience would feel a stronger conection to the material.

Connecting and reflecting

I saw  my mistakes as opportunities to advance learning, when i worked on my second draft, so that the keynote would run smoothly and all of the peer feedback was adresed.


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