Luca’s Thoughts

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.

Think and Create: COVID-19 Exposes Racism in America

The world is facing an unprecedented crisis and, “ Every major crisis or catastrophe hits the most venerable communities the hardest,” states Marc Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League. Throughout the past few months the Canadian and American governments, have been tasked with combating, and eventually  eradicating the Coronavirus, COVID-19. As families and communities preserver in this trying time, some communities due to structural racism have been hit harder than others.



I first came across this topic last week while watching The Daily Show w/ Trevor Noah, and it blew my mind. As the major media outlets first focused on larger governmental issues, important stories like this one seem to have been swept under the rug. COVID-19 has created a economic catastrophe in many countries, and although governments are trying to combat this with small business loans and tax cuts, there is also a factor that doesn’t involve money, it involves racism. As Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health said last week at a White House coronavirus task force briefing, this crisis “is shining a bright light on how unacceptable that is, because yet again, when you have a situation like the coronavirus, [African Americans] are suffering disproportionately.” (NPR)

In states like Michigan, African Americans make up 41%  of COVID-19 deaths while only being 14% of the population. In Chicago, black residents represent 72% of deaths, but just 30% of the population. Louisiana’s population is 32 % black, and about 70% of coronavirus deaths are African Americans. The data is clear, the coronavirus is disproportionately impacting and killing African Americans in the United States. (CBS)(CNN)




– How Is The Coronavirus Affecting Black Americans? (NPR)

Now, why is this happening? When you look at the systemic and social economic factors facing black people in America today, it makes complete sense. Overall, due to economic inequities and inadequate healthcare, African Americans are less likely to have health insurance, are more likely to have pre-existing conditions like obesity, asthma, and diabetes, and are also more likely to be in service jobs where they can’t self isolate. Of course, there’s always just straight-up racism that affects African Americans as well. For example, one study has found that black people are less likely to be offered a coronavirus test by their doctor even if they’re exhibiting the same symptoms as white patients. (NPR)

“The way African Americans are being impacted by this crisis and the difficulties that remain in getting a coronavirus test in low-income communities has left people feeling they are being neglected yet again.” – Dr Kowalik, health commissioner in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.(BBC)


Some studies contribute these staggering numbers, to higher stress levels in African Americans, linked to racial discrimination and poverty.(NPR) In many ways, major catastrophes like the COVID-19 virus expose the injustices and inequities placed on minorities in American. It shows the structural unfairness created long ago by white settlers, that increasingly comprise the lives of minorities in today’s society.

“And the reason I want to bring it up, because I couldn’t help sitting there reflecting on how sometimes when you’re in the middle of a crisis, like we are now with the coronavirus, it really does have, ultimately, shine a very bright light on some of the real weaknesses and foibles in our society,” – Dr. Fauci

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