Luca’s Thoughts

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.

Think and Create: The Path to The Mountain Top

After a lot of contemplation, Luca continued to reach for a new topic. Well he didn’t necessary reach out aimlessly, he knew what had sparked his interest in the last few weeks, he just couldn’t place a finger on it. Luca knew that all he had to do, but didn’t know how to do it. Then like a falling anvil, it struck him.


Inquiry Question: 

What drives somebody to stand up for what they believe in, even if standing up puts their own life at risk?

In a civilization built on oppression, the civil rights movements of the 50s and 60s, exhibit the selflessness and determination that it takes to free a minority from racial profiling and prosecution. When I was originally searching for this topic, I felt like I had to create a Podcast. In fact, I had decided on this well before I had started looking for an idea in the first place. In the past weeks, I have been recording music to use for school projects and personal use, as well as the audio for my last video. All of this time spent on GarageBand has made podcasting quite easy. I have also fallen upon a set plan for how I approach making a podcast:

1. Pick a topic, the more specific the better.

2. Do a LOT of research. You will know you are done when you feel like you have to bring it up in every conversation.

3. Write the script. Tip: For every word you get one more second in your podcast.

4. Gather your media/interviews.

5. Record… Edit… Repeat until your podcast flows together. Leave spaces to separate your words just like you would when you write.

6. Add media: music, sound effects, interviews.

7. Now edit your audio as a whole. How does your voice sound, should the music cut in and out, equalize the audio.

8. (Get Critique – Revise) Repeat until you feel satisfied with the final project.

9. Upload

10. Share to an audience!!!


When I made my podcast I followed a very similar structure.

In my podcast, I interviewed my grandparents to have secondary opinions on my Inquiry Question.

“ In search for more answers I decided to conduct interviews with Jim and Adrienne Oliver, Jim lived in Chicago In the 60s, were he was highly educated through preparatory schools, Ivy League Colleges and played jazz. Adriane lived in Hollywood, California and taught at an elementary school.Their different perspectives lead me to learn more about this time period and helped me finalize my inquiry question.”  – Exert for the Podcast.


Overall, I found this topic quite inspiring, and many times I found myself caught up in a new MLK speech that had no connection to my topic whatsoever. The theme of standing up for what you believe in, no mater the consequences, reoccurs throughout the civil rights movement. Although Martin Luther King Jr. is a great example of this trait, he shares it with many visionaries of his time period.

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1 Comment

  1. Adriane and Jim Oliver June 14, 2020

    Very well done. Flows beautifully, very informative, and quite moving to end with the excerpt from the MLK speech. We really like how you wove together the interviews with the topic of this podcast. Also, it is quite alarming and important to realize how relevant this topic is today. Great job.

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