Luca’s Thoughts

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.

Chemical Reactions: The Electrolysis of Water

This unit has been mostly chemistry based, which was amazing. I love chemistry, and when this unit started I was ready to learn. We started this project by being placed into groups of three. These groups happened to be structured differently than groups we have had in the past.

This time we were working with a group of piers that we normally didn’t work with. In other programs this could have been a problem but in PLP this was just a new learning experience. The project that we had to complete for this unit was all about the different types of reactions.

There are five different classifications that a reaction falls under, but for this project we had six groups so we included acid bace neutralizations. This helped us learn about acid bace neutralizations in relation to our body. Our group picked a decomposition reaction, because even though we had heard the word aloud many times we never really knew its relationship to reactions.

When our group was completing our research for this reaction we found a specific chemical reaction that would work really well with our format. The reaction that we picked also melded with our inquiry question for this project, How Can Decomposition Reactions Be Used In Industry? 

The reaction that we chose was the Electrolysis Of Water, which had been used for a long time in the production of hydrogen. We immediately started split up our group into three different sections, with me doing the introduction, history, and proses of the Hoffman Electrolysis Apparatus.

The other two parts were, the reaction equations, and a in-depth look at how the charge of the ions contributed to where they appeared in the apparatus. We finished  this project by presenting it to the Chemistry 11 students who gave use in-depth feedback. One critique they gave me was that H2O should just be pronounced water not Dihydrogen Monoxide. I learned a lot from this project, mostly focusing around the different types of reactions and the reaction proses.




Curricular Compatancies

I used four different curricular compatancies for this project. The first one I used/improved was, developing thinking strategies. I developed thinking strategies when I was researching different chemical reactions for our project. I had to decipher which reaction could be achievable in a classroom scenario.

I also used/improved my collaboratively and individually planing skills throughout this project. I found that it was always important to find a means of communication early on in the project so no one has the excuse that they didn’t know what to do. We used thes compatancy by  creating a group chat so that we could comunicat people over the weekends.

The third curricular compatancy was all about useing the appropriate investigation methods, as well as making observations aimed at identifying our own questions. I used/ improved this by reflecting on my inquiry question. It was hard to find a reaction that fit the inquiry question and could be completed in class. I finally found the right reaction by reflection on what i wanted to get out of my inquiry question, which was the fact that it can be used in industry.

The fourth curricular compatancy I used was exploring, analyzing, and applying science using reasoning, technology, and other tools. I improved by using keynote to enhance my explanation of my reactions. Below I have included a video of the keynote animation I created for my presentation. In my title slide decipher how I included an example of my reaction the Electrolysis of Water.

Beginning of keynote


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