Exhibition 2022


 Hello everyone, and welcome back to another blog. My driving question today is How Do We Learn?  Today, I have the pleasure of telling you what the spring exhibition is all about  and what I did to contribute to the Seycove Spring exhibition. Before we start I need to clarify some things. Every year in PLP we have something called an exhibition, in short, it’s basically a presentation of all our hard work we completed over our grade 9 year. 

With this exhibition we have a driving question, “How Do We Learn?” This brought up a good point, how do we learn? From the experience I’ve gathered from over 2 years in PLP, I believe we learn through experiences, through failures, through our growth charts, through our peers….In short, we learn through life. 

Here is out map of our exhibition:



Day 1: We just got word that we were going to start planning for an upcoming “Spring Exhibition.” I was kinda of annoyed, mostly because I know how tough our winter exhibition was and how much work was required. 

Day 3: We start to draw up layouts for what our side of the exhibition would look like. We also got notice that different classes would be hosting different exhibitions. For example, my group, which consisted of about 10 people, was assigned to PBL Pathway. This means we needed to showcase “How we learn” through a step by step process that shows all our evidence of “How we learn.” My station was “present and reflect” and I pretty much just got to seat down on a chair while Sylas interviewed me. 


Day 5: We get more information about what we are showcasing at each station and we start to build and construct our exhibitions.  My partner and I would showcase how we filmed the documentaries (Which was assigned in a recent project) and what unique techniques we used whilst filming these personal story documentaries. 

Final Day: Finally, it’s the day of the exhibition. Everyone is scrambling to get their presentations set up in time, but everything looks like it will be just fine. Once guests started arriving, nervous students scrambled to their stations. I was having a blast the day of the exhibition and I really enjoyed the amount of effort people put into the exhibition. I really felt I had such a great team to work with and I am proud of how our team pulled together to get the exhibition done.


In conclusion, the spring exhibition wasn’t as crazy as I initially predicted it was going to be. It happened to turn out to be really fun and I learned a lot about how we learn and how we can better communicate and collaborate with other people. 

Well this was my last project of the year and this will be my last post until Grade 11 (if I decide to rejoin PLP). Hope y’all enjoyed my posts throughout the years, bye everyone and have a awesome summer ☀️☀️.

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