Hey Everyone, welcome back to another blog post. The project we just finished was called Meiosis Models. In this project, we made a video showing how meiosis and mitosis work, using 3D models that were made on the program Tinkercad. I’ve used Tinkercad before on a PLP 8 scimatics project. I think that Tinkercad […]
Metaphor Machines
This is how I solved the driving question for the Metaphor Machines Scimatics project. I will write the answer to this at the bottom of my post. For this project we had to make a Rube Goldberg machine about the scientific method. Here is the video of our Rube Goldberg machine: Video (no voiceover) This […]
Laws of light
My class worked on a project about the laws of light and how it works. Our first milestone was making a mind map about any questions we had about light. A few examples would be what it’s made out of, how it’s created, how it travels, can it be bent an other questions. After we […]
Fractions of My Screen Time Reflection
For this project, we had to create a spread sheet that logged and tracked are screen time. Before we started this new project, we looked over on how to convert fractions into percentages and at first it was a tiny bit confusing but in a day or two, I got the hang of it. We […]