As you know that after D.I. Regionals next up is the D.I. Provincials. This was our focus right after the regionals tournament and we went straight into improvement mode. Basically, for our team, our goal was to take exactly what we did in our regionals tournament and improve on it in almost every way. the first thing we did was look at our scoring. We needed to figure out What we got a lot of points on and what did we not get a lot of points on. That way we could decide what to prioritize when it comes to making changes and improving aspects of our performance.
One of the things Emily thought we could improve on was our maze traveler and its method of retrieving our item from the maze. She thought that since we didn’t get a very high score on the complexity of our maze traveler, we could make it more sophisticated and unique. We than began on a prototype for this mechanism.
We also started working on making the backdrops look better. We decided all we needed to do was just go over the outlines of the backdrops with paint to make the lines crisper and make the backdrops look more professional.
Coming back to the maze traveler. Our group decided to create a crane that would have a rope tied to a magnet. So instead of the maze traveler being lame and just driving over the item, it would pull up beside it, drop the crane with the magnet, pick it up, and drive off like a boss. We knew that if this plan worked, we would get scored a lot better than in regionals.
I also worked on improving the soundtrack. I refined some of the tracks and added some more sound effects to improve the viewers experience and go the extra mile in immersing them in our performance. After weeks of refining our script, practicing lines, and drafting plans for our maze traveler, we were finally confident in our performance and were ready for provincials.
We woke up bright and early at 7 to head to the private school in surrey that we would be presenting at. The whole school was packed! Mostly with people younger than us. It was cool seeing hundreds of other people from a countless amount of schools that cared about destination imagination as much as us!
When it came down to our performance I think we did well. For the most part we memorized our lines almost perfectly but when it came down to the technical aspect we didn’t do very well. Emily’s crane/magnet idea ended up not working and the battery for the maze traveler also kind of stopped working for some reason too. All the sound effects and music were executed perfectly on cue and our art and aesthetic side of our performance was up to par as well. It was unfortunate that our technical side didn’t work because that was where a lot of the scoring came from (you can tell from the name of the challenge, “Maze Craze”).
I thought that provincials were a lot of fun, I loved watching other people’s performances and seeing what unique and cool ideas they came up with. I am Looking forward to leaning from our mistakes from this year and applying them to next year Destination Imagination tournaments so that we can win big!