For the first project in math class this year we started learning trigonometry. Our first lesson was about the basics of it. We learned about the Sin, Cos, and Tan ratios and how to find the hypotenuse in a triangle. After, we were given an inquiry question that we would use to jumpstart our first project.
The first step was finding a partner, me and Daniel decided on being partners because we work well together when it comes down to putting in lots of work. Our assignment was to choose a random location in the world, create a model of a solar panel, and find the ideal angle for the solar panel to be at that would correspond with the angle of the sun in order to generate the most energy. Daniel and I chose London, England because it was around the same Longitude as Vancouver. After we found our location we needed to find the ideal angle for our solar panel. After using some fancy math (Angle of depression, angles of the suns rays, latitude and longitude of our location, and some good old trigonometry) we were able to conclude that 36 degrees would be the optimal angle for our solar panel. We knew this was true because the sun would hit it at 90 degrees.
After we did the math, we started on creating the model. since Daniel’s dad is an engineer, he has 3D modelling software. We chose to create a 3D printed model of our solar panel since we had the ability to create a 3D model of it in Daniels software.
After we had finished printing our model it was time for us to make the video! Making the video was quite easy since we had everything we needed to include in our video sitting right in front of us. You can watch it below.