
After we were done at the Microsoft visitor centre we took a short drive to the Microsoft garage where we were given an amazing speech/q&a from one of the head designers. We were also given a jaw dropping tour of the facility that included some incredible things. After the Microsoft garage we headed to the […]

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The Tenth Grade, So Far

Grade 10 so far has been an interesting journey. From our Seattle trip and our blogging challenges at the beginning of the year, to the book trailer project and our ideal angles project, the year has been challenging and rewarding. My favourite project I have completed so far this school year would be my Pecha […]

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Exhibit A

As you probably already know, in PLP we have a big exhibition every year where us students get to show off our learning. Each grade has their own station somewhere in the school where they get a chance to show off their project that was assigned for the exhibition. This year for grade ten we […]

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Recently in math, we finished a project on algebra tiles. If you don’t know what algebra tiles are, you can click here. For this project wee were tasked with creating some sort of boards/cart game that would incorporate algebra tiles into it. First we needed to have a partner. I chose Kai because we have […]

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