
Recently in math, we finished a project on algebra tiles. If you don’t know what algebra tiles are, you can click here. For this project wee were tasked with creating some sort of boards/cart game that would incorporate algebra tiles into it. First we needed to have a partner. I chose Kai because we have the same math tutor and we think alike when it comes to math. After we found our partners we started working on the game rules.

When we had finished with our game rules, I started working on the algebra tiles and the game board. I needed to make ten X tiles, five X2 tiles and fifteen 1 tiles. After I finished crafting and painting the algebra tiles we were ready for the next step, filming a video explaining our game rules. You can watch the video by clicking here.

Some of the curricular competencies I think I improved on are as follows: Communicating and presenting, I was able to improve on this competency through explaining our game rules and the concept of algebra tiles. I also improved on connecting and reflecting, mostly by taking some of the work we were given in class and going over it with my tutor, that way I could learn from my mistakes to do better in the future. The last curricular competency I believe I improved on/used during this project was the reasoning and modeling competency, I improved on this competency by thinking creatively to create the game rules/game overall while also incorporating algebra tiles.

You can also see a mind map of what I learned below


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