Math + Fun = Funth

In math we have been learning about exponents and fractions, for this course we started a new project, in this project we had to make a card game that had around 52 cards, had proper card art, and used math to propel the game. When Mr. Gross first announced this new project I knew exactly what I was going to do. I was going to make a card game based on mech’s (large mechanical suits used in sci-fi battles) I called it mechanized, I started to work on the card art first. I drew up 5 different mech cards and then thought of a unique way to add a twist to them, I came up with money cards, advantage cards, and disadvantage cards to make the game more chance based instead of it beating all about skill, that way anyone has the possibility to win or lose.

Next I added the classes to the mech cards. I came up with three different classes. Shield, attack, and heal. These different classes would have different outcomes/effects when you use them.

Once I wrote down all of the classes, abilities, and i finished the other cards I was finally ready to print the cards out and write the rules for the Game. Here is how the game works.
Each person is given 5 mech cards at random, they don’t know what mechs they will get until they are handed the shuffled deck, without looking the player picks 5 mech cards from the pile. They can now see what mechs they received. They cannot show the opponent their card unless said otherwise by an advantage or disadvantage card.
You can only have one mech on the battlefield at once but you can switch at the end of your turn unless specified otherwise. You can attack, shield, and heal. Attacks do damage to your opponents health, the health indicator is on the top right corner of your mech card. Shield’s block a specified amount of damage that would have been done do the mech, ex. If the mech’s shield, shields 150 damage and the opponent attacks with a 200 damage attack, the mech will only receive 50 damage. Shields only last for one turn unless specified otherwise. Heal will regenerate a specified amount of health.
Each turn the player draws one card from the draw pile in the middle, this can contain Mech Points (MP), Advantage cards (AC), disadvantage cards (DC), and special ability cards.
Each attack, heal, and shield needs Mech points in order for them to be used. For every attack, shield, and heal there is a shield icon with a number inside of it, the number indicated how many mech points you need in order to use the attack, shield, or heal. You can gain mech points from drawing mech point cards from the draw pile, you can also receive mech point cards that are minus. To win the game you must defeat all of your opponents mech’s.


After I printed all of the cards out and glued them to card stock the game was finally ready to play!

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