This is a continuation of the “quilting post” that I posted earlier, but as my title suggests, this is oriented towards just my quilt square and no one else’s. (Because I’m special!)

There is a better view of my quilt on my first quilting post, so be sure to check that out if a sped up video of me sewing my square together at an awkward angle isn’t sufficient for your “quilt watching needs.”

Just so there is context when I explain my piece of the quilt, I’ll give a brief summary of my group’s story and how it’ll play out…

There is a nuclear fallout after an accident that creates a chain of nuclear explosions throughout the US. Our ordinary hero, Mark, flees up to Alaska after the fallout because he hopes that he won’t have to deal with any large groups of people that could potentially harm him in more crowded cities. He eventually finds a survivor city built from the ground up and enters, only to end up picking a fight with the evil dictator of the camp.   Mark is hunted down and decides that hiding won’t help anyone who is living under the torment of the dictator. Mark knows he has to put a stop to the dictator’s evil ways. Mark devises a plan to kill the dictator and sneaks into his mansion, but the dictator is already prepared. How? Because the architect that gave Mark the blueprints for the dictator’s mansion sold him out. Mark and the dictator have a rooftop rumble which ends in the demise of the dictator. Mark then becomes the leader of the city because he is considered capable by the citizens of the city.

My square shows the first piece of the our hero’s story. I drew Mark out as a bright figure walking through a dark and dull city. As he walks by the city, he kind of creates an aura or bubble of colour and art into the city.
Now to not confuse anyone, this isn’t a literal representation of the story, it’s just how I envisioned Mark bringing hope to a city that is under the tyranny of an evil dictator.
The colour choice of my city also wasn’t completely random. It is pretty hard to notice, but some of the colours I used in Mark’s little bubble of “colour” and “hope” are actually much brighter versions of some of the colours I used to draw out my city.

I also took inspiration from some pictures that I saw while I was still trying to look for ideas for my quilt square.


Things seemed to be going well for me, but there were dark times for me and my attempt at making the artwork (overstatement) that is on my quilt square…


Like I said, my first and last copies aren’t all that different as you can see with my finished draft below.



The actual sewing portion for my quilt wasn’t all that complicated. It was time consuming. My only explanation is that I have that I probably have the same hand-eye coordination as an ostrich, which meant it was really difficult for me TO GET THE THREAD THROUGH THE EYE OF THE NEEDLE.

My goal while sewing was to make certain bits of my drawing pop out more from the rest of the drawing. For example, I sewed a dark yellow around the bright figure which represents Mark so he would be the first thing someone would notice if they took a look at my quilt. I also sewed around the colourful circles I drew around him and also the outlines of the buildings so there is a clear seperation from the sky and the buildings.

It may be hard to see, but I also sewed on the edge of the drawing in black and sewed the outline of the ground with a nice beige-ish thread.

I know my quilt is near from perfect (believe me!) but, I have worked hard on it to get it the way it looks like right now, so I guess that’s something. Right?