The Learning Portfolio of Lucas

Just a couple of words doing their thing


May 2016

It’s really hard for me to spell “Renaissance”

Ok, so this picture might look pretty random out of context, but I feel like this will make much more sense after explaining the purpose of it. So recently, we’ve been learning about the Renaissance and how it kind of… Continue Reading →

Destination Imagination… Pt2

So last time I talked about this, my group and I were still in the early stages of making our go-kart for the technical challenge in DI. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Then you should check out my first… Continue Reading →

There are a lot of religions crammed into Vancouver…

So recently, the grade 8 class of PLP has been going on some field trips to some different religious temples, churches, etc to go along with our most recent unit, religion and worldview. So we obviously we’re prepped for this… Continue Reading →

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