
So last time I talked about this, my group and I were still in the early stages of making our go-kart for the technical challenge in DI. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Then you should check out my first blog post for DI which is right here.

As long as we have our… I-M-A-G-I-N-A-T-I-O-N

Anyways, I happened to be away for the first competition for DI. Even with the circumstances, my group, Seycove 7, did a great job and ended up going to provincials, which is what I ended up going to.

A brief summary of what the technical challenge is about is that we had to make a vehicle that had two different ways of moving and making a skit about change to go along with it. We made a little go-kart out of a crib and put a lawn mower’s engine into it to make it move. We also made a cool little pulley that pulled our go-kart. Our skit was about the life of a boy (Quinn) and him going through his life in and out of his “car” (go-kart.)

image (Us at provincials fixing up our go-kart)

We drove over to a school in Surrey to show off our go-kart and skit to judges that would score our performance and vehicle. Luckily for us, we had lots of time to set-up and take care of any issues that could cause problems for us in our performance. We were surrounded by many other people in the same challenge as us. In fact, the provincials had A LOT of people. Seriously. A lot.


There were even kids from China who were competing!

After a while, it was our turn to perform. We got ourselves ready and performed… Unfortunately, we had a couple of technical difficulties. Our go-kart was having a bit of trouble moving and our speakers that were blasting out a song to accompany our performance died on us. No worries! We still did a pretty good job if I do say so myself. We ended up getting second in the province!

image(Photo credit to Ms. Willemse.)

Overall, I had a great time building our go-kart and prepping our performance and I definitely hope to be doing this again next year!