
This was another one out of three projects that we’ve been working on for the past couple of weeks.

We prepared for this project by learning a bit about exploration and the positives/negatives that came with it. We kind of had the chance to decide whether the effects of exploration were overall negative or overall positive. I was one of the positives.

We then created a mock exhibit to give us a little bit of a feeling about the big project that was following the mock exhibit. After we presented our mock exhibits, we were placed into groups to work one one of three topics for exploration; means, desire, and result of exploration. I was on desire.

We wanted to give people the same chance to decide whether or not the effects of exploration were overall positive or negative and maybe have their opinions changed after they finish looking at our museum. This is what my group’s part of the museum looked like…imageimage


We then printed these out to a MASSIVE scale and posted them onto large boards. These boards were pretty big and our pages almost filled the entire board. I think these turned out great and when the time came for the exhibit, not many people came to check out any of our museums.

On the bright side, a couple of people came to check it out…