
So summer is (sadly) coming to an end and what better way to end it than standing in a crowd, shoulder to shoulder with thousands of other people watching bikers throw themselves off twenty foot drops and doing tricks? Sounds pretty good to me.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about already, I’m referring to one of the biggest mountain biking events of the year;



It’s a week long event filled with races, advertisements and free Clif Bars. The week builds up to one of the most popular of the competitions in Crankworx which happens to be Joyride.

,during Kokanee Crankworx festival, Whistler BC, Canada. July 2011

Essentially, Joyride isn’t like most of the other competitions in Crankworx. Instead of being fast paced, timed races, Joyride puts riders’ tricks to the test on a short, jump filled course. It’s a pretty exclusive competition as there is a minimum amount of points you need to get in. How you get points is by competing in other events and scoring high.

My cousin and I were there for the day and got to meet a few riders like Brett Rheeder and Martin Soderstrom. Here’s a course preview to show you guys what it looked like.

Overall, I had a really fun day getting to watch and meet riders and get to experience my first Joyride event.