The Learning Portfolio of Lucas

Just a couple of words doing their thing


October 2016

Metaphorical Machines (Pt 1)

Since our first day back to school, my blogs have been eluding to a big project that I didn’t go into much detail beforehand. If you don’t know, it’s a metaphor machine about (in this case) the Russian Revolution all… Continue Reading →

Dreaming of houses

One of the projects that we’ve recently been working on is a “Dream House” assignment for math. We’ve been working up to the project by doing various worksheets on the subject of houses and the different mathematical aspects of houses… Continue Reading →

Videos about choo choo trains in Britain

For the past few weeks, the PLP class has been working on revolutions… and steampunk, mainly working up to a big project that revolves around a specific revolution in history and making a metaphor machine out of it with a… Continue Reading →

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