The Learning Portfolio of Lucas

Just a couple of words doing their thing


May 2017

It’s Alive… Alive!!!!!!

This title might seem random, but there’s context to it, I promise. A little while back, we started working on a geography unit that would be leading up to a big project that most of us were anticipating throughout the… Continue Reading →

What attracts us to this post?

Remember the Florida post and how there was a project to go along with the trip? Well I’ll finally be talking about the Making Fantasy Real project that we were working before, during, and after the Florida trip. If you… Continue Reading →

I Know You Are But What Am I?

We’ve recently gotten into our Health and Career unit for this year and we’re coming at it with full force. We started off the unit with a little project called “What I carry with me” and I assure you that… Continue Reading →

Destination Imagination Provincials!

We did it! We made it to Provincials! So did everyone else because we automatically qualified, but let’s skip the details. Either way, DI came and went as it normally does in the PLP class, but this time there were… Continue Reading →

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